ECD(Extreme cheating device)

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Damn how I did I miss the one of the best post ever

Keep it up dood, how the hell did u do so much moddin ?

Quote a genius dere!!

And ya another math hater here , i just managed to get into engg got 47/100 in my 12th boards
Yeah 99% people hates math :P .... Btw ECD SE is about to complete. Now ECD supports GPRS, Cam, Bluetooth etc Thanks to SONY k750i :(... Body of the ECD is damn thin( :( Razor and my skills. It took 3 hours to make it ultra thin ) Coz i need more space so Body of ecd now coated with feviquick. Dual Batt jumper added(I need more backup for k750i).. Posting pics after my exams.. Hehehe Don wanna expose it right now
:) .old thread huh? still:

during our days no cellphones were there.we have to mod our body,shoes for such extreme things-for exams. ;)
Extreme boy said:
Bro simple calculators r allowed :ohyeah:

ROFL ! :hap2:

Keep up the creative modding.

But then be wary of the kinda stuff you post in public.

Extreme boy said:
Iam working on rochkotch. A lil spy cam. Control it from ur lappy or pc. U can move it nd send it nywhere .. Ahh spying in girl hostel's.

I'll take one ! :cool2:

Dude,keep us posted with all your new inventions/creations/mods !

P.S: I hate MATH too but I guess determination was on my side
Extreme boy said:
LOL bro its free for you guy's...:hap5: ...... The new ECD SE is underconstruction :construc: With camera and GPRS support...(Boring exams)...Plus the pics of rochkoch available on my flickr id soon....

Btw we can make a gaming belt with six vibrators(wear it like normal belt) attached to our pc(with speakers).... Vibrators vibrate when any body fire bullet on us(In almost any game...crysis,farcry,fear,doom 3,prey....etc etc )Should i try it out....

Hey im in for that belt....
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