effect of teracopy on HDD

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TERACOPY is hassle free.. I know..

If you keep Buffer @ high.. then there would be some problem, else you won't get any problem...

Using the default copier is best way to keep ur HDD safety.. If the SPEED matters, TERACOPY FTW :D
Rahulrulez said:
Using the default copier is best way to keep ur HDD safety..
I already get above 100MBPS all times on the Vista default copier.
Rahulrulez said:
If the SPEED matters, TERACOPY FTW :D
No. If speed matters, RAID0+Teracopy FTW :cool2:
Wonder how much speed I will get if I put my HDDs in RAID0 and use Teracopy :ohyeah:
I kinda end up increasing Buffer everytime as there is definite improvement in the speed..

Default is 256kb.. Max is 20MB.. I normally increase it to 6 MB..

Are you sure its harmful ?
Personally i haven't felt any difference in copying speeds with Teracopy.

The reason why i use is easy queuing. Makes copying files a lot lot easier!
The Final Conclusion should be, HDD never cross it's file transfer rate, it just help to optimize the speed of copying..

@psp.kgl -

Use it if you are speed lover :D
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