End of the Internet

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People who were expecting a joke, sadly its not here. Not in any form rather than the fact that it may be upon us.

The end of the Internet.

I Power

Net Neutrality is something i feel at TE , has not been discussed at length.

Please state your views and if at all what impact it may have in India and what we can do to stop this if it all this is surely coming.
I don’t have much to say except that articles like these are in the best interest of most paid-per-impression writers to publish articles which gets them eye-balls, ad impressions, donations or diggs. Take things like these with a pinch of salt and pepper.
In a nutshell..

content providers: we got this cool HD content we would think the world wants to see it.

telcoms: thats cool, only thing is we fear it will absolutely kill our bandwidth and dont want to spend millions upgrading it as we think there is still more money to be made. if you could help with some extra funding...

content providers : umm, no see, we are the reason you get most of ur customers at all.

telecoms : ok then tell you what, we will provide these tiered services where we prioritise traffic depending on who pays for it else they wont get it fast enough. You the content provider will also be footing part of that bill.

content providers : what ? no way, we *DEMAND* you be network neutral!

Nothing bout the net melting or anything as alarmist as the link makes it out to be.


It's still going back & forth and nothing really concrete has come out since maybe the last cpl of yrs.

Entertainment over the web is the next big thing, only thing is who pays for it.

Govt. paid a lot of it, first time around, not happening this time :)

How will it affect us ?

We won't be able to get HD content direct from the providers via the internet, as our infrastructure is not even upto it for normal content at affordable prices.

What it will do is require local servers, if it ever does take off.

Course you already get HD content from other sources, today, the same will continue to be the case in the future as well.
There are bigger issues, global warming ring a bell?

If shiit like this does happen, new providers will pop up all over the place... the same thing happened to TV and cellphones in the US.

Want another reason not to worry? This chick will not go down without a fight, and looks like her site will get a ton of hits/registrations from India the next few days lol.
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