Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Demo is out!

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Just played with it for about 5 minutes, and my first impression is its a mix of BF2142 with BF Desert Combat! Basically - its BF! Thats how i feel...but im a huge quake3 fan so maybe i need some time to like ETQW a little more.......
ya, bro it surely needs some time to getting accustomed too, but once u r thru that period it'll be gr8. Read the game guide which is installed with the demo.
evox said:
PC Config is Q6600 2.4, 4GB DDR2, 8800GTX@600/1.9GHz

all the screens were taken at High Quality Forced via the Nvidia CP and with 16x AA and 16x AF and everything maxxed In-game.

thanks for the tip, Got the Console command!:)

 Unlocking your FPS

Quake Wars took a somewhat novel way at trying to get everything to sync correctly for online play: the game attempts to lock your FPS at a default of 60. Needless to say, while this may make the game sync better, gamers spoiled by higher framerates in other FPS games may be disappointed with this low level lock. But there is a solution. Many of the Beta players (if not the majority) are using this work around: [B]You must go into the console (by hitting CRTL ALT ~ ) and type in the following commands:

com_unlockfps 1     [this removes the FPS cap] 
com_unlock_timingmethod 0    [this forces the engine to render frames as quickly as it can][/B] 

If you do not use these settings, the game will default to a FPS lock at 60 -- or, if your computer is not fast enough to stay above 60 FPS, the game will try to lock the frames at 30 FPS. If you have lower end system, you might want to keep the default settings on. But for anyone mid-range system -- say a P4, at 2.8 GHz or so, and a 7600 or equivalent -- and better, we recommend using these settings to improve your gameplay experience.

i tried all diff settings. fps always seems to be locked at 30fps. weird.
Lord Dagon said:
Abe "Lost planet" is only 363 MB.

I meant games like BioShock, Medal of Honor: Airborne, World In Conflict etc.

Besides, LostPlanet Demo was a joke. It didn't had support for resolutions higher than 1024x768. which IMO was pretty retarded considering it was released in "xHD" era.

i tried all diff settings. fps always seems to be locked at 30fps. weird.

Ditto for that. The game is quite moody, It sometimes removes the fps cap and sometimes doesn't. Disabling VSync on CP Doesn't help either.
evox said:
Ditto for that. The game is quite moody, It sometimes removes the fps cap and sometimes doesn't. Disabling VSync on CP Doesn't help either.

dunno about the game being moody. but i think it could be to do with the nvidia drivers. maybe cause i am using the 163 beta drivers.
can we set up a server for us to try ....

How many people do we have ??? i have a holiday today ... email me on my msn id and we can play :)
Well, i played the demo yesterday and it was quite fun. The initial impressions were quite good. The game is lightweight and loads up quite fast. The game ran quite well on my new 8600GT. You can play either with bots in offline mode or slug it out online with other humans (and Stroggs). The game menu is minimal and to the point. The Limbo screen which shows all the details of the map and allows you to choose your team and class is quite cool and easy to use (unlike W:ET).

The server browser is cool and fast. There were huge number of servers for the demo although most were empty at the moment. The pings at my end were also good: ranging from 150 to 300.

New players should read the game guide which comes with the demo before jumping onto the game. The guide is simply awesome and easy to read. Before jumping onto the multiplayer action, one should practice the map in single player campaign with the bots. I played a bit of SP but didn't use the vehicles much, so when i played online i had no idea how to use the vehicles. So, it's better to practice first in SP mode.

The gameplay is quite good. It's fast like W:ET but with better graphics and better options. The graphics are quite good. Now instead of Allies and Axis, you have GDF (human force) and Stroggs (alien force). In W:ET both the sides had nearly same weapons but in Quake Wars both sides have different guns which look and handle differently. The game also has plenty of vehicles like UT 2004. Although I wasn’t able to test most of the vehicles yesterday. I’ll will test it today. Both teams have different vehicles. I played mostly from GDF. Stroggs weapons can get some time getting used to.

Overall the game is quite good. Give it some time and you'll eventually begin to like it.

Here are some screenshots from my system:

@ShareKHan, we can definitely setup our own server or play on any online servers as many online servers are free(without any players) but only at night bcoz not everbody has a holiday today :)
30FPS Cap can't be removed when playing against bots. when the "com_unlockfps 1" console command is applied, it uncaps the FPS, but ONLY in multiplayer. there's no way to remove the fps cap in SP.
evox said:
30FPS Cap can't be removed when playing against bots. when the "com_unlockfps 1" console command is applied, it uncaps the FPS, but ONLY in multiplayer. there's no way to remove the fps cap in SP.

yes i already found that out yesterday.

but when playing sp against bots u can unlock fps from some cvar command in the server cfg. i read it on some other forum.
by the looks of all the screen shots it appears that this game is having some issue with draw distance the distant terrain isn't that good looking.

soo i did some research and found out that mega texturing2 only supports draw distance and not 1 which is used in ETQW for further explanation of mega texturing2 please read RAGE interviews of id software new game on the TECH 4 engine
I tried some GDF vehicles. The vehicles are cool and more

than one person can use the vehicles simultaneously. This means that

one person can drive the vehicle while the others can shoot. Here are

some screenshots:

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Actually the many-people-can-drive-vehicles-simultaneously has been in Battlefield games for a while now. it's really fun but it's really annoying if you're trying to shoot left when the driver is going right :P Quake Wars is really growing on me, the one crib I have is that the weapons sort of lack the "oomph" effect and for whatever reason (may it's just me) whenever you hit someone, It never gives the satisfying feeling of pumping lead into flesh. you're left with wondering whether you made the shot or not. Still, it's quite fun although given the weapons and the overall feel, the weapon switching feels a bit slow and rigid. anyway, did anyone here try using the MachineGun Mounted on the MCP? It's Incredible!
yup, u r right about the guns. Although it feels great when u bring down the enemy airborne vehicle with the rocket launcher.

Ya, i tried the MCP machinegun. It takes some time to start but when it's ON it devastates anything which comes in its way.

Does anybody know how to this:

shot00006.png - imgX

shot00035.png - imgX

I mean how to produce the fireball effect coming from the sky?
I've been wondering that myself actually. my best guess is that it's Strogg Artillery. No idea how to get it working though...
Ya, looks like a Strogg thing. BTW, how do i fly the Icarus and other such vehicles? I was able to fly the helicopter, but when i use the Icarus and use the "w" key to move forward, it only moves the Icarus forward, it doesn't fly. Any ideas?
oki..here is a question..will this work on an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ , 1 gb ram and nvidia 6600 ..low res will do..shud be playable
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