PC Peripherals epson tx400

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couple of shops are selling the Epson tx400 for Rs.4000/- , any idea why , when the MRP is rs.7.500/-?
and why doesnt the epson india site list the printer on their site

a) is it phased out?
b) any problems you guys forsee if i buy those printers?:huh:
wow thats cheap...i recently brought a tx510fn for 9,850/-(including tax) in Bangalore whereas the MRP was Rs10,999/-. amazingly Techtree had stated the street price at about Rs7800/-!!! searched the entire day but couldn't get a better price. (ya i searched @ S.P. Road)
you know you can install CISS kits very cheaply and easily to epsons...(most of the recent mass market models)....i got one installed on day one....excellent decisiona....i think cost per print now is less than 25 paise!!!!the cost of the kit was Rs.1750/-, i think for other models its cheaper still!
^^ urs a epson? on which model u got the CISS installed?....still Not taking chances on ciss yet, coz iyt's still nder warranty!.....kippu it drinks quite a tipsy :p....stiilll cant give u a accurate picture, coz i hardly print nowadays... & have refilled only once & that too with a original cartridge....so u know!...anyway post warranty,it surely will b freewhelling! :)
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