Every drop of butter we consume reduces our lifespan: What are some alternatives we can use

In India, deep frying shit, reusing oil, etc. are norm sometimes even at homes.
The part reason for discussion by OP is about how all we can reduce such habits.
Various lobbies working for and against different produce also happen a lot, heard talks about how soya lobby worked to eliminate olive oil plantation in Europe, etc. etc.
In given situation with additional possibility adulteration due to cost, etc., expensive Olive oil is not a magic bullet.
Smoking point of olive oil is well discussed, supported and also rejected from various factions. Why to take a risk.
What TEUser2K1 is saying absolutely right in every aspect.
Lessen deep frying & reusing of oil by telling our moms, sisters & nannies by explaining them the health costs such practices bring should be essence of the topic. Also which oil & how to procure them, like coconut oil, groundnut oil, olive oil & should be we use local grinding mills or should we buy them from whole salers. These should be discussed and should be followed while informing our friends & relatives to make them also follow the same for our & their health also.
No idea, never used Tata before, we only use patanjali oils.

No, when mustard is in season, we buy it and there's a place near my town where they have a cold press, we just get them to extract the oil, I would not recommend going this way unless you know the place/have enough free time, it takes a while to get it done and is just a pain in the ass, and this is when we are in the business, and have enough contacts that for us its just a phone call away.

Most brands in India are crap from my cursory research, avoid any EVOO products from any indian brands, these just scam you in the name of EVOO, you'll have to buy imported stuff and even then, they are not first pressed and are probably third or fourth but still miles better than the crap we get here.

I bought my EVOO from here (https://www.chenabgourmet.com/) and there was definitely a difference in quality but not that big tbh, rest @TheNawab can help you, he's my go to guy for any food queries (we need an exclusive forum for cooking, seriously!) :tearsofjoy:
Ha ha patanjaliii lols patanjali products failed quality tests few years back .
For any kind of cooking, I've been using Pomace Olive Oil. It's cheaper, you don't have to worry about a low smoke point or adulteration.

I've also now taken to dipping samosas and "spring" rolls in oil then air frying them to make them "healthier."

Oil sprayers also help reduce usage.


But again, avoiding oil and other cooking fats doesn't help as much as elevating your heart rate for 15-30 mins a day, if a long, healthy life is a personal goal. The heart needs exercise just like any other muscle and it's a muscle that loves exercise and functions significantly better with exercise (to put it in simple terms).

When I was a 100kg potato, my resting heart rate was 90 bpm, which was not good. I then started walking 10k to 15k steps a day and within a few weeks, it was down to 60 bpm, with my weight unchanged. After a couple of months, it was under 50. Again, in simple terms, the exercise helped my heart work less to pump the same amount of blood.

For any kind of cooking, I've been using Pomace Olive Oil. It's cheaper, you don't have to worry about a low smoke point or adulteration
agreed with everything but pomace oil is olive oil mixed with other oils or extracted using chemicals when you can't extract anymore oil from olives using a press, though it does indeed have a higher smoking point due to it being mixed.

imo, you should always eat stuff that's natively available and in season. be it fruits/vegetables/oils or whatever, which in my case is mustard oil. we use it almost exclusively for any kind of frying and even cooking, and only going for neutral oils if the recipe demands it
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  • Disagree.
  • Plant-based alternative called Dalada or Margarine is worse.
  • It's an observational study.
  • Published by a news site which doesn't have any authority talking about health. Sensationalism wins. They are just milking their SEO business. The article is meant for Google. Regular humans should ignore.
Opened the thread to post this. Closed after reading this. Good work!
In India, deep frying shit, reusing oil, etc. are norm sometimes even at homes.
if you are using reusing your oil multiple times, then changing to a "healthier" alternative won't do shit, you'll be better off consuming palm oil/dalda ghee and not reusing more than 2-3 times than using something else
Smoking point of olive oil is well discussed, supported and also rejected from various factions. Why to take a risk.
care to give me proper research on this aside from trust me bro from so called "experts"? spoiler alert: you wont find any.
No idea, never used Tata before, we only use patanjali oils.

No, when mustard is in season, we buy it and there's a place near my town where they have a cold press, we just get them to extract the oil, I would not recommend going this way unless you know the place/have enough free time, it takes a while to get it done and is just a pain in the ass, and this is when we are in the business, and have enough contacts that for us its just a phone call away.

Most brands in India are crap from my cursory research, avoid any EVOO products from any indian brands, these just scam you in the name of EVOO, you'll have to buy imported stuff and even then, they are not first pressed and are probably third or fourth but still miles better than the crap we get here.

I bought my EVOO from here (https://www.chenabgourmet.com/) and there was definitely a difference in quality but not that big tbh, rest @TheNawab can help you, he's my go to guy for any food queries (we need an exclusive forum for cooking, seriously!) :tearsofjoy:

Patanjali? They sell the most adulterated items with the worst quality control in India. Not sure how his "desi" product marketing still works when they are either relicensing or acquiring small-scale companies with extremely poor history and quality control.

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Patanjali? They sell the most adulterated items with the worst quality control in India. Not sure how his "desi" product marketing still works when they are either relicensing or acquiring small-scale companies with extremely poor history and quality control.

I go by the smell and richness of "sarson" flavor, and we mostly use our own oil, so cant say anything about this, even the folks who extract the oil for us, recommended patanjali to us. As for adulteration, just because some brand isnt caught yet adulterating their stuff, doesnt mean they are clean.

We have been in the FMCG business for a while now, and if you ever walked through a manufacturing plant with me, I can guarantee that you would never buy a single packet of lays/kurkure/<insert any other item> ever again. Same for goes for restaurants and specially sweets, no matter if you buy from the most expensive/exclusive sweet house.
I go by the smell and richness of "sarson" flavor, and we mostly use our own oil, so cant say anything about this, even the folks who extract the oil for us, recommended patanjali to us. As for adulteration, just because some brand isnt caught yet adulterating their stuff, doesnt mean they are clean.

We have been in the FMCG business for a while now, and if you ever walked through a manufacturing plant with me, I can guarantee that you would never buy a single packet of lays/kurkure/<insert any other item> ever again. Same for goes for restaurants and specially sweets, no matter if you buy from the most expensive/exclusive sweet house.
Fair enough. These tests are usually done in labs after collecting 4000-5000 samples across brands. Patanjali has been caught more than a few times and always blame "foreign intereference" for it which is simply ridiculous. The record of them relabelling small scale industry items or acquiring defunct units to put their label on it is well documented. It is another thing how well QC works in India but the MNC brands at least have established protocols since impact on the brand is huge when caught.
For the original topic:

Every breath of oxygen we consume, we are also reducing our lifetimes (Since it is finite). Do we want alternatives for that too?
Breath slowly.

Get extremely fit. Increase cardio for stamina. Reduce resting heart rate down to 40-50. Increase mitochondrial efficiency. And handle stress. All of this will inadvertently make you breath slowly.
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Breath slowly.

Get extremely fit. Increase cardio for stamina. Reduce resting heart rate down to 40-50. Increase mitochondrial efficiency. And handle stress. All of this will inadvertently make you breath slowly.
It will still reduce our lifetime though.

I just wanted to make a point that 'use of which butter' becomes trivial if you just accept that your lifetime is finite, and we should rather think about better ways to live life than living longer.

Is it? I thought plants made it infinite.
I meant the lifetime
LOL, you have to sort the table by smoking point values, will help if you keep higher values on top.
Many locally available oils on top, olive on mid low.
do one thing, get a food thermometer, preferably an infrared one, next time you every deep fry something, or pan fry, just measure the temp and let me know what you found.

And if that's too much for you to do, simply watch the video I linked
do one thing, get a food thermometer, preferably an infrared one, next time you every deep fry something, or pan fry, just measure the temp and let me know what you found.
lol vro, that wiki link and many similar is informative enough for vro.
And if that's too much for you to do, simply watch the video I linked
keep that trust be vro video with you vro.

For me, basic statistics is enough.
lol vro, that wiki link and many similar is informative enough for vro.

keep that trust be vro video with you vro.

For me, basic statistics is enough.
peek retard moment right here folks. my man here can't be bothered to verify his facts, and when someone points that out just defaults to his basic instincts
P.S. since you are fine with Wikipedia articles and don't consider them "propaganda", here's an article for you on deep frying https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_frying, go read the first paragraph here and then go look at the smoking point of olive oil in your link ; )