Every drop of butter we consume reduces our lifespan: What are some alternatives we can use

In India, deep frying shit, reusing oil, etc. are norm sometimes even at homes.
The part reason for discussion by OP is about how all we can reduce such habits.
Various lobbies working for and against different produce also happen a lot, heard talks about how soya lobby worked to eliminate olive oil plantation in Europe, etc. etc.
In given situation with additional possibility adulteration due to cost, etc., expensive Olive oil is not a magic bullet.
Smoking point of olive oil is well discussed, supported and also rejected from various factions. Why to take a risk.
What TEUser2K1 is saying absolutely right in every aspect.
Lessen deep frying & reusing of oil by telling our moms, sisters & nannies by explaining them the health costs such practices bring should be essence of the topic. Also which oil & how to procure them, like coconut oil, groundnut oil, olive oil & should be we use local grinding mills or should we buy them from whole salers. These should be discussed and should be followed while informing our friends & relatives to make them also follow the same for our & their health also.
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No idea, never used Tata before, we only use patanjali oils.

No, when mustard is in season, we buy it and there's a place near my town where they have a cold press, we just get them to extract the oil, I would not recommend going this way unless you know the place/have enough free time, it takes a while to get it done and is just a pain in the ass, and this is when we are in the business, and have enough contacts that for us its just a phone call away.

Most brands in India are crap from my cursory research, avoid any EVOO products from any indian brands, these just scam you in the name of EVOO, you'll have to buy imported stuff and even then, they are not first pressed and are probably third or fourth but still miles better than the crap we get here.

I bought my EVOO from here (https://www.chenabgourmet.com/) and there was definitely a difference in quality but not that big tbh, rest @TheNawab can help you, he's my go to guy for any food queries (we need an exclusive forum for cooking, seriously!) :tearsofjoy:
Ha ha patanjaliii lols patanjali products failed quality tests few years back .