Everything is underwhelming after HalfLife


Hi Guys, This is a personal feeling. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences. Some people don't even like games, or FPSs. And of course at different times, and for different age groups different things appeal.

With that out of the way I have played all the Halflife series, just finished Episode 2 ago a few days ago. Portal was fabulous, Team Fortress is stress relieving. But I am really impressed with Valve, I remember when I was playing HalfLife 1 years ago I got the feeling this is special, you often get this feeling when you are watching a really good movie, or reading a book and you go slow because you don't want it to end.

HalfLife has been innovative and more importantly story led all along, remember the train ride in, and all the different gameplay elements and a story that really draws you in Halflife 1. And now of course we do have a fantastic series on our hands thats really developing well. The story is compelling, the gameplay is engaging but becoming secondary. The possibilities of where Valve can go with this are endless and seeing how well they have done so far and the amount of talent they clearly have we can expect the best.

But after HalfLife every other game is really a disappointment, underwhelming, either its pure action no story in which case TeamFortress will be my preferences or its some manufactured assembly line production like boy/girl bands that you really cannot waste time on. Of course the hype with special effects and all the graphics is used to promote games that have little else apart from point and shoot. Without a story that's engaging you are just boring yourself. I know COD4 has many fans but it feels like a boy band to me, manufactured and sterile.

Farcry was fun then because we had never seen such large open environments but even that was becoming increasingly irritating by the end. For me Crysis is just another decked up Farcry. I think this is laziness from the game companies, this rehashing and trying to make a quick buck without investing in creative talent or doing the admittedly difficult job of creating a good story.

Valve have raised the bar, the amount of depth, immersion and story progression we have with HalfLife is going to be difficult to replicate unless we have a super creative team. And Valve is run in a unique way away from the pressures of delivery time and other pure commercial considerations. They seem to be really interested in delivering a better experience, a more compelling offering. They have made their money, that is not the driving factor anymore. Income is guaranteed because of the millions of fans waiting for another installment. But this is not a unique business model, this is usually the best way to be successful in any field to deliver a better product than rehashing and marketing the hell out of it.

I tried Crysis and junked it, COD4 is really a waste of my hardrive space. So is it only half life for me or can we expect other game companies to ramp up and deliver on our expectations for less mindless violence and more interesting stories and gameplay. I am sure there are other here who share my feelings but they will probably be in the same age group 25-30. Probably we are becoming old.
raul said:
HalfLife has been innovative and more importantly story led all along, remember the train ride in, and all the different gameplay elements and a story that really draws you in Halflife 1. And now of course we do have a fantastic series on our hands thats really developing well. The story is compelling, the gameplay is engaging but becoming secondary. The possibilities of where Valve can go with this are endless and seeing how well they have done so far and the amount of talent they clearly have we can expect the best.

i haven't had a chance to play episode 2 yet, but other than that the entire half life 2 story is non existent. half life, yes, it had one, but none of the iterations of half life 2 have managed to put across a story so far.

for me, what valve manages to output is extremely polished and fun gameplay (although even that is getting a bit old). their tech is wonderful (source might be old, but it still looks great) and their games are polished to a shine. but no, story telling isn't a department i'd give them credit for.
The adventure/RPG genres would have much better storyline, but yet I feel HL2 is yet not on par with Deus ex timeframes considered...
i agree that half life - 1 was n xperience outta this world in those days, infact HL made me a gaming freak !! From a story/emotional perspective, hardly any game can make the player empathize with the lead character, coz hez already supposed to b so macho !! I was moved by Max Payne 2 only. But talking bt immersive gameplay, Halo series and BioShock are not at all behind. Infact BioShock, which i recently completed, has one of the finest story as well as gameplay elements, just after Gears of War.

Half Life 2 was a graphical xtravaganza, but HL Episode 1 was not. I hope Episode 2 has been polished more appropriately. You may also try your hands at The Darkness on X360, coz its Horror + Max Payne style is damn creative, not 2 mention binding in true sense !!
:) I agree that nowadays most games are graphical delights and nothing more....

Interesting storylines very few games would have
The main reason why half life was so awesome was because of those nasty commando guys. Yeah, even otherwise it was pretty impressive but that is what really made it stand apart. I've not played another game in which the enemies are so smart. I wonder why...
Part of the reason why i gave up on fps. I only play counter strike these days, and that too cause a few friends play it online. Halflife 1 was a real genre defining game. I still play it if im bored. Since then, no game has really interested me. HL2 was good, but except for the graphics and interactive physics part, it really didn't have anything new in the storyline.

Im waiting for games that don't require insane hardware to run, and yet is fun to play and innovative. But i guess that would be asking too much!
Talking of interesting storylines (and not requiring insane hardwae), Dreamfall anyone?

Thats one game you play less for the gameplay and more to unravel the story ;)
OK, you should change the thread title to all games/FPSes are underwhelming. I hope girls, cars and sports still hold your interest or are those underwhelming too?
i agree half life 1 was the best ever game ive palye but hl2 was ok it terms of story, hl opposing force and blueshift was also good......after hl1 story wise games that i liked were cod1,2 , FEAR series...the painkiller is also fun
There is some fantastic Half-Life video commentary for those who haven't seen it before. Its a must see but has tons of spoilers so be warned.

Half-Life 2: Episode 2 Commentary

There are also links by the poster for Half-Life 2 and Episode 1 commentary.

Its well worth your time, entertaining and funny.

KingKrool: Thanks for asking but no problems on that front
Well I'm a little out of touch with the games these days. I don't have too many complaints on gameplay but I agree that more innovation needs to be brought into the story of 3D FPS games.

I remember HL1 being the game of the year in 2001 and decided to play it. The most amazing thing was that it worked on my P1 PC with no AGP gfx card!..only PCI display. I was really amazed by the gfx on my lowly PC. I remember struggling to finish it though. Man...it was challenging.

I've played some really innovative games in my time. 10 yrs ago, 3D games were hard to come by, gfx were nowhere close to what is avbl today. So I guess, programmers had to focus more on the game concept. Mean Streets, Carmen Sandiego were decent detective games I played. I esp like the concept in Mean Streets. When I look back, I'm amazed at how programmers managed to cram some really decent games in 2D. Where do you find games like these nowadays??

But also, back then both gfx and gameplay sucked in many games :eek:hyeah: . And they were really hard to finish. So you lot have it better these days :cool2: .
Ya, I been playing Richards Burns for a long time now and M3 challenge recently, but again I keep getting neck strain especially with M3 challenge so I had to stop. It's so weird, thats the only game that gives me neck strain and intense neck strain the next day after just 10 min of playing. Weird.

About Deus Ex, I heard so much about and played it a couple of years ago, but I think it makes a difference whether you play Deus Ex before or after Half -Life. I played after and while its a good game I won't put it in the same league as Half-Life. Folks do watch the commentary if you can, it adds a whole new dimension to Half-Life. I can't wait to see how Portal connects back to Half-Life. That will be good.
Best storyline and immersive gameplay = Max Payne. I liked HL and Deus Ex as well, but I haven't played them nearly as much as Max Payne (5 times or more).

The last game that had me hooked was SoF, after that, nothing has really caught my fancy... let's see what Crysis has to offer. EP1 and 2 were a drag IMO.

And in the multiplayer universe, Q3A owns :p
:) At a very high risk of being booed :p serious sam the first and second encounters were two games that I really liked a lot...I mean so much of weapons and so many to kill:cool2: ..I don't think any other games had that kind of action...many would disagree but they will be among my favs
I loved Max payne for the story line, not to mention bullet time as well :bleh:. But HL2, EP1 and EP2 are absolutely amazing. Yes, Max Payne and Half Life differs in terms of genre, but even then, the gameplay in HL2 is just awesome. F.E.A.R was innovative too, but after a certain while, the gameplay becomes too repetitive. CS in multiplayer is great, but i kinda liked the old Unreal Tournament GOTY. Deck 16/Phobos/Turbine anyone?? :eek:hyeah: