Half-Life 1/2/Ep1 were damn good in their own right. Especially the first HL itself, I remember sitting at midnight in front of my 17" CRT dreading to hear the sound of the crackling walkie-talkies of the commandoes.
Times changed since then, and I played HL2 on my 15.4" laptop screen and was awed by some of the level designs - especially the one under the bridge, I actually had a bit of vertigo going there. 
HL2 Ep1 played on the new 22" Dell was an interesting extension to the story and definitely was more of a fill-in before the real fun began in EP2. Am yet to play EP2 though.
Also, you guys have forgotten that there hav been probably more intellectually demanding games in the HL series itself. Opposing Force was a sham but the leaner, more concise Half-Life: Blue-Shift was an amazingly innovative game for it's time. HL:BS had probably the best in-game puzzles among the 5 so far.
Having said all that, I still rate Max Payne and Deus Ex as probably the most gripping storylines out of the FPS's I've played so far. To me HL is progressing the way of the The Matrix Trilogy - too many details, not even one explained completely and a seeming necessity to be a total "geek" to be in the storyline. MP and Deus Ex on the other hand had perfect Hollywood-type storylines delivered dramatically and in style. I just loved the beginning of Max Payne, it was straight out a dark, action blockbuster. Deus Ex was a dream for anyone who was addicted to spy movies.
You've missed out another great movie-ish game of our times - Metal Gear Solid.
Before I finish, here's honorable mention to fun-filled FPSes, FarCry and No One Lives Forever.
Damn good fun both of those were. And also Serious Sam for all those who just like keeping the right mouse-button clicked forever. 
PS: Am yet to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R and BioShock. Looking forward to both though.
Half-Life 1/2/Ep1 were damn good in their own right. Especially the first HL itself, I remember sitting at midnight in front of my 17" CRT dreading to hear the sound of the crackling walkie-talkies of the commandoes.

HL2 Ep1 played on the new 22" Dell was an interesting extension to the story and definitely was more of a fill-in before the real fun began in EP2. Am yet to play EP2 though.
Also, you guys have forgotten that there hav been probably more intellectually demanding games in the HL series itself. Opposing Force was a sham but the leaner, more concise Half-Life: Blue-Shift was an amazingly innovative game for it's time. HL:BS had probably the best in-game puzzles among the 5 so far.
Having said all that, I still rate Max Payne and Deus Ex as probably the most gripping storylines out of the FPS's I've played so far. To me HL is progressing the way of the The Matrix Trilogy - too many details, not even one explained completely and a seeming necessity to be a total "geek" to be in the storyline. MP and Deus Ex on the other hand had perfect Hollywood-type storylines delivered dramatically and in style. I just loved the beginning of Max Payne, it was straight out a dark, action blockbuster. Deus Ex was a dream for anyone who was addicted to spy movies.

You've missed out another great movie-ish game of our times - Metal Gear Solid.

Before I finish, here's honorable mention to fun-filled FPSes, FarCry and No One Lives Forever.

PS: Am yet to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R and BioShock. Looking forward to both though.