Everything is underwhelming after HalfLife

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its time to end Half Life story constructively and decisively before our lifetime ends. :) OR Gabe Newell jumps through a portal to the next reality... :)
the Best thing i like about the half life series is the way they do not break the gameplay stream to go into some CUT SCENE or MOVIE instead they make such an event happen in front of you that you are forced to look into that direction so that the story can proceed. . .I think this is something what many games LACK!!
HL2 is more of everything put together perfectly. the action is balanced.the scripted sequences fit exactly.most of the people fail to understand is more than graphics its gameplay that matters and HL2 delivers it perfectly.unlike current game which are more like a system killers.from the time i've seen half life which i played on a P3 system which ran smoothly. ya the physics sometimes can be annoying but due to which the animation problem has been solved, instead of making the same old animation for dying or damage the physics takes care of it so there is a different death sequence taking place everytime. people sometime fails to understand that although the things are scripted some smart players tend to skip the scripted sequences or reach there before time in return which i called it a awsome speed run. also the story is more opened up after episode 2 where.....(nevermind i wont tell whts with G-man).:P i'de like to add one more thing is that even though its been almost a decade and people still play counter strike 1.6 over CSS which clearly states that the gameplay matters over graphics.
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