Graphic Cards EVGA vs XFX

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Im planning to get a new 8800GTS 640mb. Now i checked up and it has one by EVGA and the other by XFX. I have heard that i should go in for EVGA as its a better company but im getting this card with core clock speed at 600MHz and Memory clock=1900Mhz by XFX for 400$ vs EVGA core clock=500Mhz, memory clock=1600Mhz for 380$ and also there is another by EVGA Core Clock=576Mhz memory clock=1700Mhz for 395$.
Now prices are pretty near. Pls recommend me one and i will be getting it in 2 months exact so i hope Nvidia os not releasing any new line of cards by then coz i dont wanna be outdated from the very 1st day. Any info on that too pls.
XFX has a presence in India..not too sure about eVGA..both are pretty solid methinks..i was gonna buy the same in 2 months...but I hear that the G90 series is coming out by the end of the well..your stuff will be fast..but "kinda outdated"
Dont assume everyone here is from India or cant source cards from abroad :P

Overall eVGA has better reputation as a customer friendly company. Their support is great, products are as good as any other company and they offer yout step up program where you can upgrade to new card within 90 days.

So irrespective of clocks which hardly matters as both cards will be able to run at those speeds without much issue, i would pick eVGA over XFX is given the choice.
I have EVGA video card and motherboard, I agree their, customer service is awesome. And no hassle RMA (had an initial prob with USB ports on motherboard) The evga 8800 series have a lifetime warranty which is not voided by overclocking, they are an overclocker friendly company... in fact they encourage it :)

Sorry to say that the step up program sounds good in practice, but is really pretty useless. That said, I am an evga convert... I have been an Asus supporter for a long time and until recent problems when I attempted to contact customer service/tech support. Asus customer service sucked so badly, I took the motherboard back and got the evga instead... I have been very happy ever since... theiur tech support is awesome.

Oh... and I have the 8800 320mb gts factory superclocked... I have been very happy with this product.
evga usually has upgrade offers for most of their 3d cards..suppose u get an 8800 now.. after 6 months..u can send them ur 8800+ some cash and get a brand new future model
ibz said:
evga usually has upgrade offers for most of their 3d cards..suppose u get an 8800 now.. after 6 months..u can send them ur 8800+ some cash and get a brand new future model

Its the "Step-Up" program and its only valid for 3 months :)

But both the manufacturers are equally good and reliable, but i would go for Evga overall.
I have never used any Evga cards but know that they make quality products and their customer service is great. Even in benchmarking or similar other software testing processes, the professionals prefer Evga products.
Its a pity that in India we do not get quality products from a wide range of companies.
Funky said:
Dont assume everyone here is from India or cant source cards from abroad :P

Overall eVGA has better reputation as a customer friendly company. Their support is great, products are as good as any other company and they offer yout step up program where you can upgrade to new card within 90 days.
So irrespective of clocks which hardly matters as both cards will be able to run at those speeds without much issue, i would pick eVGA over XFX is given the choice.

thotaly agree with funky was about to say the exact things
funky ur always 1 step ahead of me :@
ANP !!! said:
Its the "Step-Up" program and its only valid for 3 months :)

But both the manufacturers are equally good and reliable, but i would go for Evga overall.

I seriously don't agree that both are "equally" good...
And this ain't "XFX bashin" as rahul might say ;)

Seriously man don't even compare the two brands...
One's enthusiastic about products, and the other has a brilliant marketing team :P
Facts are facts...

the evga 8800gts is the fastest gts go with that if you are ok with getting it from questions asked..i have the xfx8800gts and it seems to be running great upto complaints....i paid 19000 for it around 6 months ago so it shd b cheaper now
Funky said:
Dont assume everyone here is from India or cant source cards from abroad :P

If you are referring
XFX has a presence in India..not too sure about eVGA

Then I am talking about an official presence...not your uncles neighbors aunties second cousins son getting it for you :bleh: :tongue:
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
I have EVGA video card and motherboard, I agree their, customer service is awesome. And no hassle RMA (had an initial prob with USB ports on motherboard) The evga 8800 series have a lifetime warranty which is not voided by overclocking, they are an overclocker friendly company... in fact they encourage it :)
Sorry to say that the step up program sounds good in practice, but is really pretty useless. That said, I am an evga convert... I have been an Asus supporter for a long time and until recent problems when I attempted to contact customer service/tech support. Asus customer service sucked so badly, I took the motherboard back and got the evga instead... I have been very happy ever since... theiur tech support is awesome.
Oh... and I have the 8800 320mb gts factory superclocked... I have been very happy with this product.

hi there, where did u get the evga from? I am pleased to read about evga anytime but i really want to know where do u get that or where can i get it from.
hi there, where did u get the evga from? I am pleased to read about evga anytime but i really want to know where do u get that or where can i get it from.

Sorry to say but I live in San Francisco (Northern California) USA, so I can get that stuff locally very easily. But I know you can get them from either Tiger Direct or New Egg pretty reasonably.
I like the evga step up program. I think its the best thing to ever come out from any manufacturer. Warranty will be a issue in india though.
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