This is an important day to remember - because this is the FIRST TIME in India, that a truly unlimited (NO FUPs) 100 Mbps plan goes under thousand rupees!
We started with a 4 Mbps base package. It was upgraded to 5 Mbps, then, to 10 Mbps and subsequently, to 20 Mbps.
Keeping in line with our motive of upgrading our plans on a regular basis, we are pleased to announce our new revolutionary plans! Only this time, its a massive change which is sure to get you EXCITED!
Today, 1st May 2017, we are excited to launch major changes in our plans:
* Speeds on all packages have been increased!
* Regarding our second and third package, we have greatly reduced the prices for them.
* Internet and Peering speeds have been merged in one blended speed, regardless of the source of traffic or destination.
The new, upgraded plans are showcased below:

As a special introductory offer to residential customers in Hyderabad, Excitel provides additional ₹ 200 / month discount from its newly introduced plans. Between May 1 and July 31, customers from Hyderabad can enjoy the following introductory rates:

Yes, that's right. Your eyes are not deceiving you today. Our customers can enjoy the experience of a high speed 100 Mbps NO-FUP connection! This is a major breakthrough, we feel, since it puts internet users on the forefront of a high speed internet usage experience WITHOUT an accompanying, annoying "usage limit", which, until now has only been a dream.
"100 Mbps packages" have been advertised by other ISPs as well, so one might ask, what different are we offering here?
As far as high speed packages are concerned, although ISPs have been advertising such plans, they have been enforcing ridiculous FUPs (Fair Usage Policies), along with placing such plans into a price range, which would render it unreachable and impractical for the general public. By means of these nefarious tactics, ISPs are able to restrict users from ever using those so called "100 Mbps" plans, in reality. Furthermore, such ISPs also charge more money from the user once their usage has exceeded the "FUP quota" while using such plans.
"Its like selling a Mercedes to a customer, but telling them that they can ride it for just 1 day in a month."
We're here to finally change that, with the revolutionary upgrades to our packages.
Join the truly unlimited, 100 Mbps, high speed internet experience!
Spread the word, and help friends, family and relatives enjoy the experience of using a high-speed, unrestricted, 100 Mbps internet connection.
We'll end this on a humorous note and hope that you use the internet to an extent, which would enable you to more commonly view such messages (once you fill your hard-disks with downloaded files):