Just bought a galaxy SII. Was wondering what people are using as a case. There is an original puch which is good, but the phone needs to be pulled out everytime someone calls!
Was wondering what the existing users are using. And what are they happy/unhappy with? Was using an otterbox with Nokia X6. But it made the phone bulky. Moreover it pulled everything out of the pocket everytime I needed to use the phone. (The rubber surface was extremely sticky)
Just bought a galaxy SII. Was wondering what people are using as a case. There is an original puch which is good, but the phone needs to be pulled out everytime someone calls!
Was wondering what the existing users are using. And what are they happy/unhappy with? Was using an otterbox with Nokia X6. But it made the phone bulky. Moreover it pulled everything out of the pocket everytime I needed to use the phone. (The rubber surface was extremely sticky)