Most of us here have mobiles made by the popular manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Google, Oneplus, etc... Most of the buying advice section also sees recommendations from these brands. However, with the other less popular brands like Vivo, Oppo, Xiaomi, etc. catering to all budgets nowadays,
1. Would you be open to considering these phones for your next purchase, whatever be your budget? Why or why not?
2. What has been your experience with these phones, if you have already had them?
3. Which of these "less popular" brands seems to be worthy of consideration?
P.S: I'm aware that most of these brands are subsidiaries of one parent company. For the sake of discussion, let us consider them as separate entities.
1. Would you be open to considering these phones for your next purchase, whatever be your budget? Why or why not?
2. What has been your experience with these phones, if you have already had them?
3. Which of these "less popular" brands seems to be worthy of consideration?
P.S: I'm aware that most of these brands are subsidiaries of one parent company. For the sake of discussion, let us consider them as separate entities.