Explorer using too much of cpu power

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Here is the problem....

The task manager shows Explorer hogging abt 80% of cpu power @ idle...this doesnt cause any problems except that the cpu temps goes upto 48C
There have been no crashes no re-boots or no weird behaviour...

I have tried SpyBot it didnt show anything...i tried looking at the msconfig file for any malicious software but again nothin was found

The system runs fine except the high temps....

System config
A64 3000+ on Asus K8V
Transcend 512mb DDR400
XFX 6600GT
Windows XP with SP1

Please help guys....thanks
well please Check if Indexing Service is Running or not

go to Start->Run->services.msc ..and see if its running or not...if it is plz disable it ...

2)Right Click on ur Dirve where Xp is loaded eg c: ..there u will see option to Disable indexing ..click on allpy to Directories and Subdir ..and ur done...

indexing is a feature of Xp for fast Serching of Files..but Hoggs too much resources..so you can disable it safely....
I was doing a google search for an answer to this problem and see what google threw at me..... your message itself... not bad ....we are being googled !!!

hmm well did u cheked for any Unwanted process Running in Background....press ctrl+alt+del and see if any unwanted/unnecessory preocess r running in the background....also i wud suggest get Sp2 ..dhough it Hogs more resources..but Much better for tweaking and Performence as compared to SP1 ..i am using it on my P-3 ..so guess you wont have any problem with ur Machine....which has 2wice the RAM and 5 Times the processing power ;)..also i will suggest get Hijackthis..and post your Log for better rectification of error.....
I have disabled all unwanted service....it just takes a lil time before it starts hogging all the cpu power
try doing an online virus scan... ur av is quite old.
U can perform Symantec's online scan here.

Note that it doesnt scan compressed files, and doesnt fix the virii (if any r detected). However, u shud b able to manually d'load the specific fix frm the Symantec/McAfee/... site.
Wraith said:
Did a virus scan with NAV 2003 but nothing came up....looks i am gonna have to re-install XP

When I was looking around the forums for an answer to your problem there were a few suggestions that these type of problems were caused by NAV !! But I think to blame Symantec for most problems has now become the practice - Symantec has been made a scapesgoat for most Computer ailments. I would not put too much weight on this conclusion but you may want to check it out.

If you are going to re-install think about doing a repair install instead - this has helped clear out such problems for me in the past and I did not lose my program settings. Saves having to re-install all the programs.
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