Storage Solutions External hdd problem

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HI mates,
I have an external hard drive portable.But whenever i connect it to ma desktop in vista/xp, it says usb device not recognized most time,sometimes when it detects it, but the transfer is very slooow ..also when i click on particular file in tht external hdd to copy to ma hdd it stops responfing have to ctrl-alt-del..

The external hdd works perfect on laptop...dont knw whts the pro?:huh:
any ideas ?? :S
looks like some issue in usb port .. are u connecting it to the front panel of desktop or back panel ?? Try plugging it in a different usb port ..
try connecting to other usb port... same prob here i had 4 usb ports in my desktopCPU in which 1 is dead how i don't no.. the other 3 r working....

and do reinstall OS once n check it out....
I connected it to my back panel usb port seems working fine now,but why its not working well for my front panel,pen drives,ipods open well in front :S so dont think problem is with usb port and mobo is only 2 mths old? :huh:
sahilshah1987 said:
I connected it to my back panel usb port seems working fine now,but why its not working well for my front panel,pen drives,ipods open well in front :S so dont think problem is with usb port and mobo is only 2 mths old? :huh:

k fine... install the USBdriver CD and setup onceagain.. it may work properly..:hap2:
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