F.E.A.R| Extraction Point-WALL not rendering

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Well i just got my hands on a copy of FEAR Extraction POINT....

But Some portions of the WALLS ....Some parts of the floor...AND even some DOORS do not render and are completely TRANSPARENT!!!

I searched it on the NET and NOTHING...I cant believe this didn't happen to anyone else as even my friend is having a problem with this...

I have a PNY 7600GT installed on my PC.
i recently completed the extraction point and faced a similar problem is same place its difficult to make out weather we are standing at the edges of a door...
@ prafulk did you download the game..this games is freaky as hell more scarier than the first title
Check the readme or their forums to see if it's a known problem\bug. Other than making sure you have the latest blah blah blah
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