Any new social networking site in which i can spend time ? facebook surely killed orkut . Is there no fb killer ?:scared14:
Begin your adventure by choosing one of the following.
A. Google Plus.
B. Myspace.
Take a day leave and do the following ........
Block irritating friends (ppl with status updates as Gudmrning frndzzzzz, feeling lazy etc etc)
Block irritating pages 'liked'
Block apps (like who visited your profile, who's your celebrity look alike, XYZ-ville etc etc)
Create list of "important" people you like to 'follow' - updates, photos etc.
Similarly create list for other stuffs (list of funny pages, geeky pages, gaming pages etc)
Block all email. Block photo tagging.
Or "Deactivate Facebook account" and do the following
Get a hobby - gaming, reading, painting, web-developing, playing some music instrument...blah blah.
Switch to google reader for all kind of news updates.
Be active in various forums. (TE!!)![]()
Even i agree that FB is getting boring ,its filled with Lot of communal stuff and lot of spamming
Stop social networking altogether and get into the wild ! Trekking, cycling etc
Join G+ and choose your passion over there. You will get lot of interesting things. I like Photography and I have lot of friends/acquaintance over there.
Unlike FB, there are no spams and non sense posts.
Its not FB where all are friendsYou have made unknown friends based on ur interest 'photography' ?
reddit!! Note that most of the default content kind a sucks on reddit, it is only when you get into the non default subreddits (sub sections)., does it get really really fun.
Why do you want to ruin his life, once you go reddit, you dont come back.
Facebook can only be as interesting as the friends you have on it. Maybe you have boring friends !
get a puppy. I would prefer labrador. you get to meet a lot of people during the morning walks![]()