Fake Facebook Account


Someone has created a fake account using profile picture and name of a friend.

She is not a regular user of facebook and came to know of the fake account through a friend.

We went over to the account and found out that the fake account is being used for explicit reasons. My friend reported the account as 'Impersonating Me' and provided her mobile number. Unfortunately she has still not received a verification sms from facebook. She has tried reporting twice more but still no result.

She has now removed her profile picture and updated her security settings and changed her password.

Due to inactivity from Facebook's end we are still clueless as to what else can be done and where we stand at the moment.

Could you guys please guide us.

Message all your and her friends that this profile is a fake. Share the profile of the fake one and name the status please report this, Its fake and tell them to report as impersonating my friend and the link to your friends profile. I did the same for a friend. The Fake profile was deleted.
^Thanks for replying.

Tried reporting it from my account all it did is send my friend asking her to report the account. What to do now?
Report it to FB and they should get back to you via mail, asking the details of the original user account. Their user support (or whatever you call it!) is pretty quick! There was an instance of an image copyright issue on FB and I reported the case. FB promptly got back to me asking about the details of the click. The image was later removed from that user's profile.
Thanks for replying guys.

@vijay - Thanks for the offer. We already tried it. All it is doing is when a friend tries reporting the account as impersonating someone it sends her a message to report the fake account. Also if I post the fake account profile link I will have to post the original account's profile link as well because to report the fake account as someone you know you have to be friends with the original person. If this was a bloke I would have posted both the fellow's profile link in a heartbeat but considering it is not I can't post it here.

@Gannu - There has been no reply from facebook either on her cell or registered e-mail id.

@Pat - I will ask her to mail to - appeals@facebook.com and login@facebook.com from the link that you have posted and see what happens.
Usually around 7-10 Reports of Fake make Facebook take down the profile. Tell a few trusted people to report it and Facebook will block the profile .
@mitraark - Done that but like I said before it is only generating and sending her a PM asking her to report.

@Pat - Sent mail to - appeals@facebook.com and login@facebook.com. Received 2 auto generated e-mails from facebook which are not of much use but hopefully someone takes action.
Identifying fake profiles on facebook.

I don't know if this has been resolved but I just want to share this link 11 tips to identify fake profiles on facebook If you have successfully reported the fake profile to facebook and haven't received any reply, you should try to at least follow it up with them until they do so. For now, the best thing for the person that was affected in this incident is to take advantage of the new privacy settings on facebook by limiting access to profile and photos and other things that are considered to be important. If the person has mutual friends on facebook, it would be very helpful to team up to take down the fake profile. I hope this helps out.
@Zolda - The issue has been resolved after it was reported it to the police. I can't believe there was no response from facebook no matter what was done.

Thanks everyone for helping out.
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Good to know that the issue was resolved. Has the a**hole who made the fake account been caught?
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Nope not yet but the fake account getting deleted was a satisfactory result for them and are don't seem to be interested in pursuing it even though the police have said that they will look for the culprit.
Zolda - The issue has been resolved after it was reported it to the police. I can't believe there was no response from facebook no matter what was done.

Thanks everyone for helping out.

prabs, can you pm me whom did you contact, in a similar situation like yours

Me too, saw a fake profile of a relative. @prabs - sent you a PM, could you PM me back how/where you went about reporting it to the police? I've already reported via the facebook site itself but wanted to take it further in case they don't do anything.
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