Fallout 3 Cancelled for release in India

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theres another article on this over here: Fallout 3: Is This Why Fallout 3 Won't Be Released in India?

The article is fine, but the comments are infuriating. First of all, most of them seem to blame the indian people's mentality as the cause for this, even though it was microsoft who made the decision. We werent even given a chance to do what theyre accusing us of. :P bah, i dont even feel like iterating all the things that were wrong with their posts. just read them yourselves.

Edit: Bah, i made a long winded comment on their site, and its going to take a day to show up pending 'investigation'.

Although the article is a balanced and a fair assessment of the facts, some of the comments im seeing here are nothing short of bigoted.

1. This was a decision by Microsoft, not the Indian people or its government. Sure, it's possible that one of them would have made a big hoo-haa about it if it did release, but they were not given the chance to do so. Some comments seem to, however, imply otherwise. That the 'national' sentiment is what stopped this game from being released in India. I do understand where Microsoft is coming from wrt this decision as it probably cannot afford the bad press in a fledgling market like India, but for some of the commenters to label India as culturally xenophobic because of it is preposterous.

2. India is a secular country. Not in name, not on paper, it IS. It is NOT a Hindu nation, nor an 'Islamic' one. It has had people of all religious beliefs in the top level of government while the US media is busy making a big deal about one presidential candidate's middle name being Hussein. Before pointing fingers and calling people narrow-minded, introspection would be advised.

The point being that not releasing a game to an entire country because it may hurt the sentiments of ONE religion, which the rest of the world assumes IS the country, is an insult to its capacity for tolerance.

3. Not all Hindus feel that the cow is divine. Like not all Catholics abstain from using birth control. I know some Hindus who eat beef regularly. This doesnt make anyone a hypocrite. It's people choosing what they believe in for themselves. Freedom of religious expression exists in India. There will always be the scripture-toting fundamentalists where ever you go. And they're the ones who are usually loud and 'exciting' enough for the media to publicize. There were people threatening Dan Brown bodily harm for merely suggesting that Jesus had children. In the same way, there is a possibility for some political group in India to make a fuss (without ever even playing the game) if Fallout 3 was released in order to cater to their Hindu-majority constituency. It happens everywhere. Just like the GTA series always somehow manages to make waves in the west. Its all a game to politicians (pun not intended). But, again, to paint the entire country and its citizerns with the same brush because of it is preposterous.

4. It's funny how Microsoft blames India for rampant piracy when it's willing to make decisions like this. Fortunately it wont affect the average Indian gamer, since its still available via Steam for download. If you are interested in the perspective of Indian gamers theres a discussion thread over here : http://www.techenclave.com/consoles/fallout-3-cancelled-for-release-india-121069.html

It barely received any attention from the members since issues like this is considered a joke.

5. Indians do not live in caves. Turn off FOX news, pull your nose out of Bill O'Papa Bear's butt-hole, get off your ass and send me my copy of Fallout 3.
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