Fallout 3 - Game Impressions

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Lord Nemesis

Story Background

War has reached its pinnacle to the point of near destruction of the planet and turning it into a wasteland due to use of nuclear weapons. Apparently some people survived by shutting themselves in special vaults. While most vaults got destroyed over a period of time, one at least lasted. you are born and raised in vault 101. People are born in this vault and die this vault and nobody is allowed to go outside or come inside.

The game starts with the character being born, you are allowed customize your character somewhat and the game quickly skips over to when you are a baby, then a 10 year old, 16 year old and finally a 19 year old. At this point you find out that the characters dad, a scientist has escaped from the vault and the overseer of the vault is looking for your character. You have to escape the vault and find your father in the world outside.

Game Play

This is an open world RPG just like Oblivion. You get quests, explore the world, talk to people, get more quests and side quests and so on. The sheer amount of choice available is mind boggling. There are multiple ways to get a task done and you can tune your character according to your style of play.

Unfortunately this also means that this game is not for every one. RPG fans will love it while FPS fans who demand mindless action through out the game may not prefer this game.


The game seems to be using the same engine or a modified version of the engine used for Oblivion. outdoor Graphics in oblivion were pretty impressive, but unfortunately this does not seem to be case with Fallout 3. While the visuals inside the vault were pretty good, as soon as you step outside, the graphics began to look dated. This is in spite of the fact that I was playing the game in Ultra High, Full AF, 8x AA at 1680 x 1050.


Audio and voice acting is pretty decent. The music too suits the setting of the game.


This game looks very promising. A must have for every Open World RPG fan. You will be spoiled with the excessive choice. The only flaw in the game seems to be the dated look of the graphics.
The graphics do pretty well i suppose, Its the era and settings which fits it pretty well, dont you feel so ?

I have been playing for three days and I dont have a complain except for game crashes. Which reminds me , are you facing any such problems ?
This game has got very good reviews from every site on the internet. Ordered my copy for the PS3 couple of days back.
well gfx r pretty good ..specially the outdoors , devastation of nuclear fallout is depicted quit well .. and yeah i agree that the game engine is sum enhanced version of oblivion's engine..

other than frequent crashes to desktop i dont have any gripes with this game ..

by the way is anyone else facing the crashes ..
SharekhaN said:
The graphics do pretty well i suppose, Its the era and settings which fits it pretty well, dont you feel so ?

SharekhaN said:
I have been playing for three days and I dont have a complain except for game crashes. Which reminds me , are you facing any such problems ?

The way the post apocalyptic world is represented in this game is very good, but the quality of the graphics itself looked poor. Oblivion had very crisp graphics even for distant objects, but in Fallout 3, even objects at a short distance look pixelated. specifically I am talking about the quality of visuals rather than the visuals itself.
john117 said:
well gfx r pretty good ..specially the outdoors , devastation of nuclear fallout is depicted quit well ..

john117 said:
other than frequent crashes to desktop i dont have any gripes with this game ..
by the way is anyone else facing the crashes ..

I have spent about 8 hours on the game till now out of which 6 hours was in a single stretch. Never faced a crash mid game. The game does crash every time you quit which I guess is not too much of a bother.
it crashes at any random moment.. yesterday i stopped playing coz of crashes .. now waiting for official patch to solve the issue , at the moment its virtually unplayable. Just check out the pc issues section at bethesda forums its got over 1000 posts.. so u can imagine how widespread is the problem.. ppl wit ati or nvidia are getting crashes .. be it vista or xp or be it steam or regular copy except for a few lucky individuals its crashing like shit for everyone else..

one thing is common most crashes occur in exteriors and u can alleviate the issue by running the game in windowed mode so it crashes less often...
@lord nemesis: oie check pm matey .. me needs help.. :)


its a century .. yippee.. *waves the keyboard around in sachin's style* :D

Lord Nemesis said:
The way the post apocalyptic world is represented in this game is very good, but the quality of the graphics itself looked poor. Oblivion had very crisp graphics even for distant objects, but in Fallout 3, even objects at a short distance look pixelated. specifically I am talking about the quality of visuals rather than the visuals itself.

I have spent about 8 hours on the game till now out of which 6 hours was in a single stretch. Never faced a crash mid game. The game does crash every time you quit which I guess is not too much of a bother.

Are you playing on the PS3, 360 or the PC?
Haven't played a lot of it but I'm liking it so far. Sure it's like Oblivion in so many ways but is that really a bad thing? Oh and I blew up Megaton so now I have a fancy suite...and a flame thrower!

john117 said:
well gfx r pretty good ..specially the outdoors , devastation of nuclear fallout is depicted quit well .. and yeah i agree that the game engine is sum enhanced version of oblivion's engine..
other than frequent crashes to desktop i dont have any gripes with this game ..
by the way is anyone else facing the crashes ..

I read somewhere that antialiasing can make the game crash. Turn it off if you have it on.
This game uses Windows LIVE! framework. This framework can detect changes to the game code. The game might popup a crash window. Do NOT close it! Just alt-tab back to the game and continue playing. If your game seems to freeze, this window may have popped up but you cannot see it. Once again, try alt-tab to get back to the game window to continue playing.

Alternatively, rename the file Fallout3.exe.cat

to something else

(i.e. name it Fallout3.exe.bak)

this will turn off windows LIVE!

no crashes for me anymore :D
SharekhaN said:
hammerhead... you might want not to order it for the PS3, more buggy from what I have heard..

Yeah I know that :( but I have no other option. My PC is 4 years old and Fallout 3 is not a game I want to miss. I guess PS3 will have to do for now.
cyberjunkie said:
Oh and I blew up Megaton so now I have a fancy suite...and a flame thrower!

LOL.. I got attacked for picking up (stealing) a coffee mug in Megaton. Beat the crap out of several of the locals with a police baton. Even knifed several of them. But they finished me off with assault rifles. All of it over a silly coffee mug. :rofl:
Lord Nemesis said:
LOL.. I got attacked for stealing picking up (stealing) a coffee mug in Megaton. Beat the crap out of several of the locals with a police baton. Even knifed several of them. But they finished me off with assault rifles. All of it over a silly coffee mug. :rofl:

:O Now thats a dangerous post-apocalyptic world :bleh:
Thanks Lord! Any gut feeling of another game like FARCRY (NOT2) coming out soon? anywhere closer to that game?
^^ plot is entirely defferen then oblivion so is atmosphere..........but sure, the game is able to convay the right massage with its graphics........like many rpg's it is supposed to be played with patience....u cant play it with madness unless developers release some expansion pack like that of oblivion[S.ISLE]
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