Fallout 3 - Game Impressions

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EscSysRq said:
^^ plot is entirely defferen then oblivion so is atmosphere..........but sure, the game is able to convay the right massage with its graphics........like many rpg's it is supposed to be played with patience....u cant play it with madness unless developers release some expansion pack like that of oblivion[S.ISLE]

I'm not against playing with patience but in Fallout 3 I feel so lonely & scared just like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :P

Fallout 3 has bad GFX too :no:

P.S. I love Oblivion & Shivering Isles more than Fallout 3 (GFX Wise too) ;)
here we go ... a few gamers here in TE compares the new games with old ones so much that they just cannot enjoy the new ones....most are blind..dont want to see the positive aspect of the game...they just try to find flaws and post here and all over the internet ...

we all know fallout3 is a master piece ....STOP COMPARING and enjoy the god damn game....
Nitari said:
we all know fallout3 is a master piece ....STOP COMPARING and enjoy the god damn game....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you are just a fanboy I guess or you have not played Oblivion :tongue:
yea the game is very good nice interaction moves and well written dialogues :) they carry attitude with them..no matter how the attitude is humorous, straight, angry, least bothered :) as far as gfx are concerned they are pretty good, but considering the game that is launched in the era wer high gfx is taken for granted, they seem bit outdated but nevertheless it gets hidden by the gameplay. Another thing i liked is change of view as 1st person or 3rd person :) comes handy at times..Yet again i would say a very good game with its nice gameplay and decent gfx.. must try for every1 :)
Lord Nemesis said:
LOL.. I got attacked for picking up (stealing) a coffee mug in Megaton. Beat the crap out of several of the locals with a police baton. Even knifed several of them. But they finished me off with assault rifles. All of it over a silly coffee mug. :rofl:

haha! Initially I went around talking to people and when no one helped, I decided to hit an idiot in the Church of Atom. That action of mine soon escalated into an all out Megaton vs cyberjunkie war. I was killed. I wanted revenge so I loaded the last save game and went to say Hi to Mr Burke. Look what that got me! I haven't played any more. :ashamed: I'm wondering if I should continue or continue from when Megaton still existed :P
Here is a tip for all the people with Asus Xonar Dx sound cards... If your game is crashing as soon as you hit the new game tab... Turn off the GX mode on the Sound card... It fixes that... Took me a while to figure this out :@

Btw as of now i am more addicted to Farcry 2 as compared to Fallout 3. There you go. I said it :P
played 5 hours at a stretch,dropped in a hotel of super mutants.had quite a night of killing them,i was at level 4,kept running out of ammo and the damn beasts don't die.
and to top it all i reached the hotel roof top to realise i had a quest in waiting that required me to get something from a room i missed below.kept running around till i got tired and exited.:@
pk game,the audio is quite good,the sense of being lonely in the wasteland is overwhelming at times with the sound of wind wooshing by.crysis was the last time i got immersed in a game so much,brilliant audio there as well.
Played it for 2 hours, and I must say that gameplay is very similar to Oblivion and very addictive. VATs targeting system is cool. Frame rate is pretty smooth at high settings @ 1280x800 with 8600GT. Just arrived at Megaton, figuring out to disarm the nuke.
spindoctor said:
can anyone who has played both this game and the witcher compare the two? (preferably objectively)

all I can say is that both are not even worth comparing as Witcher is much better in every way but I'll wait for someone who loves both to reply :P
Udit said:
all I can say is that both are not even worth comparing as Witcher is much better in every way but I'll wait for someone who loves both to reply :P

it's hard to imagine the game being better than the witcher especially considering that it's a multiplatform game that comes from bethesda who messed up oblivion.

i'd still like to hear a more detailed comparison though.
With exams coming up, I thought I'd wait a little to play this game. It seems I can't resist the temptation... a few more hours of downloading to go :)

Oblivion was awesome, and so was Fallout 2. I have huge expectations and I hope this game lives up to it. I really wish the PC version was released in India, as this is one game I really wanted to buy.
karanboochra said:
messed up oblivion.

You think Bethesda MESSED up Oblivion :O ? It's the best frikin' game i have EVER played .

they did. hey, i spent 120 hours playing oblivion as well and i did enjoy it, but the flaws in oblivion were pretty glaring. off the top of my head -

-a pathetic, consololized default ui

-radiant ai was an utter failure

-level scaling meant the game never had any difficulty

-poor voiceover work

-lack of npcs in the cities and npcs repeating the same lines to each other causing a total loss of immersion

-a broken stealth system where guards could hear everything

-every oblivion gate being virtually the same

-bethesda thinking microtransactions would be a good idea (horse armor for 3$ what a ****ing joke)

i could go on and on but you get the idea. i literally had dozens upon dozens of mods to fix the game when i played it. the game was a shade of what morrowind and daggerfall were.
ujjwal said:
Oblivion was awesome, and so was Fallout 2. I have huge expectations and I hope this game lives up to it. I really wish the PC version was released in India, as this is one game I really wanted to buy.

I haven't played Fallout 2, but if you take oblivion as your measuring yard, then Fallout 3 will meet and exceed your expectations except for the open world graphics part. Most of the indoor graphics and NPC's during interaction are rendered very well, only the outdoor world itself looks bad.
I had this weird bug in this game,after playing for 2 - 3hrs, the save system got broken. Had to reload the game to get it working!
the game is awesome much better then oblivion..i am in love with VATS system and specially when critical hits takes place
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