Fan controller, temp monitor?

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Being a control freak, I was looking for these two things.

I have a about 4-6 fans which I need to control. On/off is necessary, but varying the speed is always better. Something simple and clean. Recommend something?

Also I want to be able to monitor my case inner ambient temp, plus external temps of the gpu and proc, HDD, etc.

Any DIY for this? I was thinking something like one pot to control the speed of all of them, and separate switched for on/off.
D/ling? Keep basic exhaust and intake on.
Gaming? Keep all at 70%.
Mothering your hardware with stupid over ambitious OCs? 100% all out.

I have very little knowledge of electronics. So... yeah.

Also what would be ideal fan placement according to you? I've attached a pic with a htpc like cabinet with labeled sides. Consider the mobo is lying flat with the io ports on the backside(side III).

Does this seem right?
2 x intake front side(side II) towards the right side blowing towards the ram/cpu.
1 x exhaust back side (side III)
1 x exhaust side fan (side V)
1 x intake top (side I) blowing on the gpu.


  • casesides.GIF
    1.7 KB · Views: 76
Sorry no real software to do this. I looked around but could not find anything. The only thing you can use is a sunbeam rheobus fan controller. Try that out.
using a pot to control speeds will probably work..but i wouldnt suggest it..
instead you should do a pwm setup and adjust the duty cycle with a pot..
a simple 555 astable multivibrator should do the job..
drive the fan through darlingtons or any suitable power transistor
stellarhopper said:
using a pot to control speeds will probably work..but i wouldnt suggest it..
instead you should do a pwm setup and adjust the duty cycle with a pot..
a simple 555 astable multivibrator should do the job..
drive the fan through darlingtons or any suitable power transistor


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