Fan Speed Control help Needed !!

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I am having Sabertooth 990FX mobo, Corsair H70 and SilverStone Raven 2 Chassis , my problem is all Fans in my Rig are having 3pin connectors, while on motherboard there are 4pin(PWM).

Due to this I am not able to control my fan speeds via OS (since FANs are not PWM), please suggest a way to set setting in bios for fan speed controlling by altering the voltage supplied by mobo to fan controllers, or some software that can do this. I also thought of buying a FAN controller like NZXT Sentry 2 but I will rather like to do it by using O.S, please tell me if this is possible if FANs aren't PWM (to supply different voltages to fan).

Without 4pin fans, it cannot be controlled by the mobo and so by extension, the OS. Best is to get a cheap fan controller.
vivek.krishnan said:
Without 4pin fans, it cannot be controlled by the mobo and so by extension, the OS. Best is to get a cheap fan controller.

@ vivek thx for the quick reply, i found two extension wires with my H70 after attaching which the fan Rpm dropped to 1500, its good as I didn't like it at 1900rpm (lot of noise).

Also I am able to control the Chassis Fan speed, only CPU fan Speed is constant, another issue is with Chassis Fan when ever I start AID64 2.0 after some time the Chassis Fan speed is dropping down to 300-400rpm (Q-Fan Disabled).

But when I exit AID64 and Enable and Disable Q-Fan the Fans run at 1000rpm(max RPM).
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