Far Cry 2: CPU & GPU Benches


PCGamesHardware, a German website, finds itself in possession of inbuilt benchmark tool in Far Cry 2. Guess what they did with it... :eek:hyeah:

This game is immensely playable with current hardware :)

PCGH says: You don't need a high-end PC to run Far Cry 2 at playable framerates - even the "Ultra High” Settings are far from the brutal system requirements Crysis imposes. Even with a Core 2 Duo E6600 or an Athlon 64 X2 6000+ and a Geforce 9800 GT/8800 GT or a Radeon HD 4850 you can play the highest settings.

High-end GPU benches @ 1680X1050

Mid-end GPU benches at 1680X1050

CPU benches @ 1680X1050

Linky: PCGH - Test/Benchmark: Far Cry 2: GPU and CPU benchmarks
And now whos buying the game:

Following the latest DRM trend (that is bundling annoying activation system with every PC game) Ubisoft has revealed that FarCry 2 will in-fact use online activation a la Crysis: Warhead, Mass Effect. Full details below:

Some DRM points that will hopefully answer some of your questions and will clarify some misunderstandings about our DRM and SecuROM:

- You have 5 activations per machine on 3 separate PCs.

- Uninstalling the game “refunds” an activation. This process is called “revoke”, so as long as you complete proper uninstall you will be able to install the game an unlimited number of times on 3 systems.

- You can upgrade your computer as many time as you want (using our revoke system)

- Ubisoft is committed to the support of our games, and additional activations can be provided.

- Ubisoft is committed to the long term support of our games: you’ll always be able to play Far Cry 2.

The funny thing is, this’ll only annoy customers. Far Cry 2, just like pretty much any other PC title, will get a 0-day release and the activations will get cracked within few days of it’s release. For what it’s worth, Far Cry 2’s DRM is much more logical than those of EA games.

Far Cry 2 DRM is Logical | PC Gaming Planet - Latest PC Gaming News & Screenshots
It's provided some liberty in terms of the revoke system.What's funny is that the game is available for pre-order on Steam only for the NA consumers.So out here it seems people would still have to wait for the retail copy going by UbiSoft's track record god knows when that would happen.:p
Definitely need a much faster CPU to stop the 4870X2 being bottlenecked. I was still gaining an extra 2fps in Crysis going from 3.6-3.8 on my Q9450, which shows it was still being bottlenecked.

Shame they used Cat 8.9 Drivers. The 8.10s give an extra boost in performance aswell.