First head to your save game location usually:
C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games\Far Cry xx
GamerProfile.xml in notepad
Find these values: & set their value to
Save it.
Now head to nvidia control panel.
Disable SLI ya disable sli coz farcry series has issues with sli in fact research says nvidia itself has rather serious issues gaming on sli on many popular games as it doesnt play good on sli unlike Ati.
To disable Sli go to
Configure Multi-GPU surround physx
Disable multi-gpu mode
PhysX settings: Auto
Manage 3d settings go to
Program setting. Select your
Farcry exe.
In that do settings as below:
Then start the game, press Esc,
Video option:
Select either
High or
very high settings. Now again refer to the above chart link and set the optimum recommended settings accordingly.
Motion blur: off
Ambient collision: SSAO
Window mode: borderless
Vsync: off
Refresh rate: 60
Godrays: disabled
AA: off
Now fire up your mission.
That should śolve all graphics issues.
If not let me know. But the need wont arise.
**I started with these settings and then gradually changed the settings to ultra and then nvidia now with all AA, motion blur to its max incl. godrays to nvidia.
So first check if the above settings work good for you then experiment.
I will today test it on Sli mode.