Linux Fastest BitTorrent client on Linux

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boy!I was explaining bridge mode.pppoe mode is where you configure -forwarding ports everything from router.I NEVER liked pppoe mode.bridge mode is where OS does the things :)

oh!and that gui is not firestarter-it is for UFW.

I posted it hoping someone will find it helps.

Firestarter or gufw or ufw or.. are frontends to iptables -the acutal firewall.


What if you also have a router and yet u have firestarter.. where do u need to open the ports? Router or Firestarter or Both?

Router(as I understands)-I think it got some virtual server or NAT rule adding option thingy na?upnp support is there in your router?moreover under dynamic IP ,isn't it tough to configure?.
Yes i understood and i know u havent posted pic of firestarter :P

Bridge mode is what u are using.. but many ISPs give PPPOE type connections or their own dialers..

Yes the router has upnp option.. and its not that tough.. just have to put IP(s) of the private clients (connected to the router) along with their port nos. stating TCP / UDP and just make sure u assign static IP to da comp and then assign the same Port no. to ur software.

In bridge mod u are rite nothing will be done by Router. 2ndly in bridge mode ur system gets WAN Ip directly to ur system.. which again makes ur system vulnarable..

Ports blocking on the Router / such is more secured than having at software level on your pc :) ... but as we both know.. this is more a worry for Window$ user :bleh: ...Linux is anyways secured and no tension with it :D

PS: U meant by Dynamic IP assigned by the router to your PC or the Dynamic WAN IP you get everytime you log in? If you are talking abuot Dynamic IP assigned by your router then its nothing to worry about, as b4 u do any port fwd on ur router u assign a static IP to ur System (192.168.x.x or whtever ur router's IP is ...) and then u open the port for that particular Static IP'd System.

prakashan said:
boy!I was explaining bridge mode.pppoe mode is where you configure -forwarding ports everything from router.I NEVER liked pppoe mode.bridge mode is where OS does the things :)
oh!and that gui is not firestarter-it is for UFW.
I posted it hoping someone will find it helps.
Firestarter or gufw or ufw or.. are frontends to iptables -the acutal firewall.

Router(as I understands)-I think it got some virtual server or NAT rule adding option thingy na?upnp support is there in your router?moreover under dynamic IP ,isn't it tough to configure?.
Taking this topic further..

I just got MY headless rig up.. Transmission was screwing up for some reason.

The first torrent i added had been running for about 14 hours when the overall stats showed that Transmission had dl'd 1.2GB.. however, when i checked the particular files details, only 300MB had gotten downloaded :@

Thought i'd give Azureus a try, but its wayy to heavy. A felt such a longing for the simple, easy an powerful interface in utorrent that i just dl'd it and am now running it under Wine :)

Things going smooth and easy. Just as the used to :D
^^Yea Transmission takes a lot of time in approving data :@ I lost quite a bit of Gb using it :@

Anyways Ktorrent work fine for me :)
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