Linux Fedora 11 release party at Redhat's Pune office

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Global Moral Police
See [PLUG] Fedora 11 Release Party in Pune on 4th of July and

We are arranging a release party for Fedora 11 release in the Red Hat office in Kalyani Nagar on 11 AM, Saturday - 4th of July 2009. We will have a few presentations including one covering the new features in Fedora 11 and recent advancements in free and open source software and some of the projects we are working on which should be interesting to everyone.

Attendance is free for the public and you can walk anytime during the event. The event is fun and casual. Feel free to hang around and ask questions. If you let us know that you are planning to attend in advance, it would be helpful for organizing the event. Thank you for your interest and participation.

You'll get free DVDs/stickers if you go :D
Darn I cannot go to Pune just to get free stickers :P

I got Mandriva CD's , stickers,teedy bear and other as gift from Mandriva SA but custom were asking 5k for it :O I refused the package :(
it's close to my but will be in mumbai for weekend to hit the BWSL..will send someone from office....thanks for the info :)
See [PLUG] Thank you all - Fedora 11 Release Party, Pune, India


We had about 60 people attend, questions were insightful and the

feedback was motivating. Thank you all for participating and thanks to Plug for graciously moving the time to accommodate us. We will try to do this for every release and have intermediate events as well to encourage more participation and contributions.

Pictures uploaded to

Flickr: sankarshan's stuff tagged with fedorareleaseparty

Flickr: Kushal Das' stuff tagged with fedorareleaseparty

Will followup with blog posts on the event shortly. For those who

attended the event, feel free to write to me if you have more feedback and/or questions.


I think his blog is: Mether's Fedora Blog

Did anyone go? Not me, I was playing with my beloved buntus :D
damn... missed to check this thread.. Looks like we need some mechanism like RSS (i dont know whether its possible atm) for forums too.
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