Fedup : damm ! ACNE!........

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ello ,
no where else can i type and discuss this....:@ so thought of posting it in here....am tired of 'acne' problem...its like those bubble wraps one goes , other comes , it goes , other comes , it goes other comes.......some people said its normal will go with time - but now i think its HIGH time they go....:S and now especially in the summer its damm irritating....
ive tried almost everything...

no non-veg , no mangoes , no hot stuff :bleh: i.e to eat , 3-4 litres of water a day :P , rare chinese and stuff......

someone been thru it ? any suggestions ? pleash comment n help...
consult a skin speciallist at Darul Muluk at hughes road,south mumbai. doctors name is Hemen Shah.. you can see his clinic on main road ground floor.. hope this helps
dude...improve water intake more...and ya reduce milk products intake....scientist jus found it to be one more reason 4 it....

but its better to consult dermatalogist.......since even hormone level can be responsible for that.......
reduce consumption of oily food and wash your face 4 or 5 times a day with a good soap.

Also, make sure your hair is free of dandruff. Dandruff can cause pimples too because it used to happen with me while I was in my teens too.

Nowadays I shampoo every alternate day and voila... no pimples :)
Drink more water..there is no better solution than that...plus if u have an oily skin type then make it a point to wash off ur face every few hours..do not overuse medicated face washes or soaps..use 'em once or twice daily(mostly in the morning and b4 sleep), rest of the time just splash face with cold water..u'll see, it helps to keep away acne...
also dont rely too much on those acne cremes..its official..they are a big scam..:P
And yeah, i agree, dandruff causes acne on the face and back...so use some good herbal shampoo to ward off dandruff..again dont use those ZPTO bullshit shampoos..they are another big scam..:P Instead, use herbal shampoos.
Also, thr is one real good solution for dandruff tht will also make ur hair soft and more resilient to wear n tear...soak a teaspoonful fenugreek seeds(methi..lol) in little water, make a paste after 4-5 hrs and apply it to ur hair and keep it for 30 mins n then wash it off...do it for a month n then see how it wards off dandruff, arrests hair fall and cures other hair problems...and yeah, indirectly your acne as well...:ohyeah:
One more thing and its very important...dont pick on ur acne..it'll make it worse..:lol:
@magnet / @ biosbhai / @ private ryan

thanks for ur inputs ppl . i do tend to wash my face as often i can . I've discovered that its reactive to certain fash wash's. the only thing that works for me is the 'Garnier Clear' face wash...damm 100 buks a tube...but normally lasts long enuf and it does a decent job. Also many ppl told me that i need to have milk cause its 'cold' for the body so now am a lil confused over the same. Will keep a tag for the dandruff also ....@private : would u suggest me the herbal thingie which u use ? - thanks again for the inputs.

@sharekhan : i kinda guess wat u are indicating...but its more 'heating' than 'cooling' for the body :P
i do tend to wash my face as often i can . I've discovered that its reactive to certain fash wash's. the only thing that works for me is the 'Garnier Clear' face wash...damm 100 buks a tube...but normally lasts long enuf and it does a decent job. Also many ppl told me that i need to have milk cause its 'cold' for the body so now am a lil confused over the same. Will keep a tag for the dandruff also ....@private : would u suggest me the herbal thingie which u use ? - thanks again for the inputs.
Well, as i said, do not overuse face washes and soaps, it'll make ur skin worse...instead use plain water to splash ur face every few hours or as u find comfortable..and drink as much water as u cud...no better solution...it cleanses the whole system and will get u rid of a lot of digestive problems as well which is also a prime reason for acne.. as for milk..its good but again, not better than plain water..:ohyeah:
As for the herbal thingie, if by tht u mean the methi paste, then yeah, sure..i'll recommend it whole heartedly..its a very good herbal remedy for hair problems.but u'll have to get used to the smell of methi..it aint tht bad, actually..but it depends on the individual.. ;) Also, wash it b4 it gets hard on ur head..as then, it takes some time to come off the hairs..ideally keep it for 30 mins and then wash it off..:)
buy a tube of benzoyl peroxide and apply it every night. Also use a face was twice a day. Try for a non-glycerine walla so that it doesnt screw your skin over. Diet does'nt really have anything to do with your pimples. Neither does *zergling * :D off.

o0 and drink lots of water. Even if it means you run to the bathroom every hour. I assure you, the weird looks of your parents will fade out over time :D
@hanzy :

on a lighter note pimples means your hormones are working, horses are running under your skin :rofl:

on a serious not :

Pimples are part of natural evolution of your body from preteens to teens and then adulthood. It usually occurs due to ongoing hormonal changes in the body.

Your skin type, the climate you live in, the work pattern you follow, the food you take are the other factors which determine how it goes.

You cant avaid or cure it completely by any means of medicines be it allopathy, ayurvedic, homeopathy, naturopathy.

What you need is:
First and foremost dont loose your selfconfidence over it.

Do frequent face washes (no need for fancy facewashes and like that only warm water and touch dry with soft cloth) but you have to do it 6/8 times a day.

Take a lot of water.

Take fruits and green vegetables. (antioxidant properties of fruits and vegetables help rejuvenating the vitamins levels of the body)

Reduce oil and fat input as much you can (not on crash diet but try to avoid too much of it)

If it increases in size and develops into the small abscess then you need to consult your dermatologist, if they are small and disappear after 5/6 days on their own you need not to worry.

Acne or pimples are usually self limiting with time and body development. You can help yourself with medicines in times of excessive problems or sometimes with looming social issues.

hope it helps.
@ medpal : thanks for taking out time and giving ur feedback......also i do sweat a lot ! ...and its a lot ! ....does it contribute to aggrivation of em by any chance ? will follow the stuff u said....thanks again....

@l33t_5n1p3r_max : thanks for ur inputs as well :)

@samrulez : l33t_5n1p3r_max already said it :P

@floccy : thanks am gonna do the same
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