Feeling bored.Suggest some gud old classic movies

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^^Haha..AMD4Life wud be so happy...ek aur bakra!!! :rofl:

Bluffy bro, just download Salo 120 days of Sodom and watch it...you'll know what we mean...:rofl: copter....

But yeah, we are not to be held responsible for any medical or emotional condition you face after watching it..:bleh:
^^^Okay bro, you asked for it :P :


Men Behind the Sun (Give yourself some reward if you can see the complete movie without throwing up, or skipping parts of this flick..)

Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Ferrox

Ichi The Killer



Hostel+Turistas (You'll know about 'em already)

Funny Games

Man Bites Dog


The Untold Story


Enough for now? :tongue:
^^^All the best Bluffy bro...:P And yeah make sure you sit thru the 'Circle of shit' in salo..if u skip..u r not game...:P

Btw, i was searching for some material on 'Men behind the sun' and i came across this article in wiki about the Unit 731 on which the movie is based...since this happens to be a true story during WW2.. it is hard to not get affected by it..just go thru this article and u'll know what i mean..

Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its hard to believe tht the German atrocities against the jews is so well documented and publicized but this grossly similar act by the Japs goes into the history unnoticed...after all not many know about the jap atrocities conducted at such Units in and around Japan, on prisoners of war.. after reading tht article, i feel it was rit to nuke japan..:no:

I know its a crude thing to say but after reading tht article, ur heart fills with disgust and hatred..:@
Its hard to believe tht the German atrocities against the jews is so well documented and publicized but this grossly similar act by the Japs goes into the history unnoticed...after all not many know about the jap atrocities conducted at such Units in and around Japan, on prisoners of war.. after reading tht article, i feel it was rit to nuke japan..

There were plenty more artrocities other than their unit 731 horror. What's more unlike Germany Japan didn't apologize for what it did as far as I remember, several chinese POWS are in their 80s and still fighting in court demanding apologies and compensation and whatnot for the horror forced on them :/
Tony Montana said:
^ Lol.... Have only downloaded d torrents :P Torrents Search Engine :D:D

The only Movies i didn't find r dese : Cannibal Ferrox , Odishon , Fudoh !

Ofcourse i know that yaar! How could anyone download 14 movies in 9 minutes!!!

But still getting hold of 14 well-seeded torrents of some of the rarest movies to find, and that too in less than 10 minutes is commendable..;)

EDIT: The three you've not found, are available on Demonoid. ;)
Cain0xr said:
There were plenty more artrocities other than their unit 731 horror. What's more unlike Germany Japan didn't apologize for what it did as far as I remember, several chinese POWS are in their 80s and still fighting in court demanding apologies and compensation and whatnot for the horror forced on them :/

^^Thats basically because the Unit 731 horror was completely suppressed by the Americans who took over the Japan rebuilding plan after japan surrendered. The Americans granted amnesty to the top physicians and researchers at Unit 731..for exchange of biological weapons data the japs had gathered, after all those gruesome experiments, because US laws never permitted experiments on humans..it was a win win situation for both..japan cud get away with its crime and US got its much wanted data for further biowarfare experiments in their own facilities..Also US didnt want the data to fall into Russian hands...u see,,the world is such a bad place..:no:

To this day some of those Jap cannibals are enjoying their day on US soil.. with their gruesome past wiped clean..thanks to CIA..:no: Only god can bring them to justice now.. Shiro ishii's men tried to destroy any and all evidence at the facility but apparently the Unit 731 complex was so well built, it stood even after they tried their best to destroy it all..hiding behind its wall the gruesome realities tht once were a routine practice there..

The rest of those ba$tards who were captured by the russians were prosecuted for war crimes.. reading tht article made me realize the horror inflicted by those monsters on innocent civilians..too bad..we shud be thankful to god..tht we were born in a free country away from the atrocities of those who enslaved innocent people and used them as guinea pigs..:no:
You guys must be crazy recommending Salo..saw a clip of the movie and it was DISGUSTING!!! and no it wasn't the circle of shit,I found abt the circle of shit after a little research..Good thing there wasn't a video clip of it.

Bluffy you have been warned!!

As for the men behind the sun,I ain't watching tht after reading the wiki link Ryan gave...No way am I gonna come near tht movie.

Hmm,wonder if Hostel 2 is leaked..with any luck,it might have the same old sex and then death.
Kurosawa's best movie is Ikiru
Not as popular as 7 samurai or yojimbo coz the movie doesnt have any action or sex or drugs or blood or people singlehandedly destroying mobs
Madmonkey said:
You guys must be crazy recommending Salo..

Hehe..thts what bluffy is asking for...:P he wants some really crazy stuff to watch..and he thinks we are weak at heart..we are waiting for his response after watching those recommendations by AMD4life..:P
That's quite an impressive(!) list of movies you people threw at someone asking for "some good old classic" ones. Geez!
Yamaraj said:
That's quite an impressive(!) list of movies you people threw at someone asking for "some good old classic" ones. Geez!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Lol..dont know where it all started..but it was good fun to have some bakras to go thru n actually watch all those recommendations..:P

Of all of them bluffy has been given the biggest list by AMD4life for download..and bluffy says he's game for it...guess who's the biggest bakra here..? :rofl:
Yeah guyz .... I am all Game for it :ohyeah: .... seriously i dont have a weak heart , I sat thru hostel and there wasn't even 1 WTF moment , at d end of d movie i said to myself ... allrite nice gals , nice gore , kool movie :P

Have just finished downloading "The Last King of scotland" , will put dese movies for download now ..... lets hope for d best :D
Bro, hostel was like okay types..didnt disgust me tht much either..but salo is altogether a different story...n so is 'Men behind the sun'...(havent seen it, but already read a lot about it...and the real horror of Unit 731..)...
Bro, hostel was like okay types..didnt disgust me tht much either..but salo is altogether a different story...n so is 'Men behind the sun'...(havent seen it, but already read a lot about it...and the real horror of Unit 731..)...

Psssh, nothing comes close to cannibal holocaust, they disemboweled a huge turtle and ate it in real life and filmed it for the movie, there's so much sick gore packed in that the director had to actually trot to court to prove the actors are actually alive :/

I just 'scrolled' through the movie file and felt sick already :/
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