Feeling bored.Suggest some gud old classic movies

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Tony Montana said:
Yeah guyz .... I am all Game for it :ohyeah: .... seriously i dont have a weak heart , I sat thru hostel and there wasn't even 1 WTF moment , at d end of d movie i said to myself ... allrite nice gals , nice gore , kool movie :P
Bluffy yaar, don't compare Hostel to the the likes of the others in that list..It was good but not in the same class..Still suggest you watch "Men behind the Sun" first..If you sit thru that, you'll be able to watch all others too! ;)

Yamaraj said:
That's quite an impressive(!) list of movies you people threw at someone asking for "some good old classic" ones. Geez!
Well, Bluffy was warned.. :P

Cain0xr said:
Psssh, nothing comes close to cannibal holocaust, they disemboweled a huge turtle and ate it in real life and filmed it for the movie, there's so much sick gore packed in that the director had to actually trot to court to prove the actors are actually alive :/

I just 'scrolled' through the movie file and felt sick already :/

Cannibal Ferox was better! In particular the scene where they cut open the head of one of the guys and nonchalantly went about eating a chunk of his brains, turn-by-turn! Good nourishment!:ohyeah:
Cain0xr said:
Psssh, nothing comes close to cannibal holocaust, they disemboweled a huge turtle and ate it in real life and filmed it for the movie, there's so much sick gore packed in that the director had to actually trot to court to prove the actors are actually alive :/

Damn..i am so happy, the ba$tard who made the movie was killed by a gigolo.. Thts what u get for hurting animals for something as trivial as a movie... :@

I'm sure it must be the Turtle's Aatma..:P May it rest in peace...

Amd4life said:
In particular the scene where they cut open the head of one of the guys and nonchalantly went about eating a chunk of his brains, turn-by-turn! Good nourishment!

Arrrrghhh..:@ did they use real dead bodies or somethin??
AMD4Life said:
^^^Okay bro, you asked for it :P :


Men Behind the Sun (Give yourself some reward if you can see the complete movie without throwing up, or skipping parts of this flick..)

Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Ferrox

Ichi The Killer



Hostel+Turistas (You'll know about 'em already)

Funny Games

Man Bites Dog


The Untold Story


Enough for now? :tongue:

hehe!!!!Thx bro.Awesome list:hap2: :hap2: You can also add "audition" to that list.

Hostel was strictly okay movie.Although i liked the part where that guy cuts off the jap girl's eye.

In particular the scene where they cut open the head of one of the guys and nonchalantly went about eating a chunk of his brains, turn-by-turn!

Reminds me of bad taste.
^You r sick :P ... downloading salo .... have seen some parts ..... the circle of shit :D ... well all i can say atm iz it lookz like dark choclate :P
arrow055 said:
hehe!!!!Thx bro.Awesome list:hap2: :hap2: You can also add "audition" to that list.
Hostel was strictly okay movie.Although i liked the part where that guy cuts off the jap girl's eye.

Reminds me of bad taste.
You're welcome :P..Audition is already is the list you quoted but as "Odishon" ;)

Bad Taste was fine but too comic to really make an impact, much like Pink Flamingos.
^Thats d spirit Bro :D:D Have finished downloading Man behind the sun .... will see it now ... lets see wat all d fuss is abt :ohyeah: .... hey guess wat my friends r coming over .... i hope dey dont regret it :P
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