Bluffy yaar, don't compare Hostel to the the likes of the others in that list..It was good but not in the same class..Still suggest you watch "Men behind the Sun" first..If you sit thru that, you'll be able to watch all others too!Tony Montana said:Yeah guyz .... I am all Game for ithyeah: .... seriously i dont have a weak heart , I sat thru hostel and there wasn't even 1 WTF moment , at d end of d movie i said to myself ... allrite nice gals , nice gore , kool movie

Well, Bluffy was warned..Yamaraj said:That's quite an impressive(!) list of movies you people threw at someone asking for "some good old classic" ones. Geez!

Cain0xr said:Psssh, nothing comes close to cannibal holocaust, they disemboweled a huge turtle and ate it in real life and filmed it for the movie, there's so much sick gore packed in that the director had to actually trot to court to prove the actors are actually alive :/
I just 'scrolled' through the movie file and felt sick already :/
Cannibal Ferox was better! In particular the scene where they cut open the head of one of the guys and nonchalantly went about eating a chunk of his brains, turn-by-turn! Good nourishment!