Car & Bike Fiat Palio 1.2ELX ECU problem

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hello friends,
i own a 2003 model Fiat palio 1.2 elx. in the recent years i have put on around 70,000 kms on it.
recently it was not starting so i was adviced to change the battery ( nothing was happening after switching on ignition). after changing the battery (which was 5 years old) it started taking ignition but the car still did not start. After getting it checked at local repair shop, i was told its a ECU problem and it needs to be replaced. the guy brought another ECU and the car started i did a test drive and was reasonably satisfied.

now my query is what can make the ECU konk off???
is there anthing else i should get checked apart from changing the ECU. given the cost of ECU and very short warranty it carries, i want to make sure that this does not happen again.
Are there any ECU repair alternatives available in delhi , preferably south delhi.
i searched team bhp forums and think ECU can be repaired..if anyone been through this ordeal or has any idea..insight please..
it is well known that the ecu is not sealed tight in fiat cars..dont bout current gen but if you have a habit of water washing the engine bay than the ecu could be damaged due to water logging. This happened with a lot of palios and seanna's. This process of washing is the engine bay with water/pressurised water is dangerous to all cars but fiat cars ecu is not that much protected as as say a maruti or a hyndai. Hope this helps. I have no idea if an ecu can be repaired. But from what i have needs to be replaced and cant be repaired.
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