FIFA World cup 2010 discussion thread

Nederlands vs Uruguay

...Woke up @ 4 A.M. today ,just back from school,got to finish a work before 10 P.M. and its a challenge to stay awake till 12 when again i have to stand on my feet before 5 A.M.tommorrow

but i can't miss this under any circumstances :D
XTechManiac said:
Spain depends too much on Villa for their win against Germany.. :ashamed: It will be an interesting match for sure.. :D
Every team has a weakness, winner is the one that successfully exploits it.
Uruguay did give the Oranjes a scare towards the end.
The big match comes tomorrow.. Germany or Spain? I hope it is Germany. :)
Nah, the octopus is just under too much pressure. He is basically trying to balance out the mistake he made during Euro 2008 final where he predicted Germany will win. So he is going the other way for the sake of it :p
kippu said:
spanish players can go join acting and diving class ....go Germany!
I'm confused...are they good at diving and acting (which is what I think you meant to say) or do they need to learn? If its the former then they should start a diving and acting school.