PC Peripherals final config - final few queries

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this is the final config i hv decided. now just need a lil help in figuring out a few things...

1. the mobo(need to know the cost of gigabyte ga-p55a-ud3)

2. the Ram... cant finalize the company. which is the best for 3k???

3. the cabby any suggestions for arnd 4- 4.5k

4. the SMPS. this is the complicated part... first of all my budget is arnd 3k. for that price i can get a gigabyte 550w(maximum output, actual is 450W) or FSP Saga II 500W. now i cant decide between the two as i dont knw which will be better... or please recommend others for this budget. i will be getting a new gfx card when the prices stabilize maybe a 5850 or 5870...and hv a old hdd also... so please consider this when suggesting a smps...

CPU - intel core i5 750 ~ 10500
Mobo - Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2/Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3 ~ 7000/????
ram - kingston 2gb(5 yr)/
corsair 2gb(10 yr)--TW3X2G1333C9A/
G-Skill 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz(lifetime) ~ 3000

gfx card- sapphire 4670 1GB DDR3 ~ 5000

hdd - seagate 1TB sata 2 ~ 4000

cabinet - thermaltake wingrs201or matrix vd2000bns/
antec 200/300/CM elite 334/335/590/600/690 ~ 4000???

smps - gigabyte 550W/fsp saga 2 500w ~ 3000???

please help me finalize the config.

thanks in adv.
Well, you made your choice and doesn't need much change/suggestion.

Anyway, for cabinet CM690 will be good around 4.5k. Get Corsair RAM for their gr8 service. Also get the Corsair CX400 ~3.2k .

You might change the graphic card too depending on your monitor and your budget. :)
i-5 and a HD5850 with a 3k PSU!!!! You need a Corsair VX550~5.7k to handle that also for the cabby go for the CM590~3.8k. The CM690 cant fit long cards.
but getting VX550 PSU go's beyond my budget... wht do i do...?? whr do i cut corners??

any other psu which provide similar efficiency??

what is the diff between a FSP500W PSU and Corsair 550W PSU besides the 50 W diff??
stavan_d said:
but getting that PSU go's beyond my budget... wht do i do...?? whr do i cut corners??

Cut HDD 1TB to 500gb. That'll save 1.7k
Drop ATI 4670 - 4k

HDD - 500gb Seagate 7200.12 - 2.3k

Total saved - 5.7k

Cpu - Intel core i5-750 (2.66Ghz) - 10.4k
Mobo - GA-P55M-UD2 - 6.7k
Ram - Transcend 2gb 1333mhz ddr3 - 2.6k
HDD - Seagate 500gb - 2.3k
Optical drive - Samsung/LG DVD writer - 1.1k
Cabinet - Cooler Master CM 590 - 4k
SMPS - Corsair VX 550 - 5.5k
GFX - ATI 4350 - 2.1k
Total - 34.1k

You need to sacrifice GPU now , if you want to fit everything including a good PSU and Cabinet for your pc
This is what a decent i5 based rig would cost you without the display screen:P

Cpu - Intel core i5-750 (2.66Ghz) - 10.4k

Mobo - GA-P55M-UD2 - 6.7k

Ram - Transcend 2gb 1333mhz ddr3 - 2.6k

HDD - Seagate 500gb - 2.3k

Optical drive - Samsung/LG DVD writer - 1.1k

Cabinet - Cooler Master CM 590 - 3.8k

SMPS - Glacial power 650W - 4.5k

GFX card- sapphire 4670 1GB DDR3 ~ 5000

Total - 36.4

if you want to reduce, get XFX 9400GT which costs 2.6k as would be later upgrading to ATi 5850;)
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