Find your Matrix Name here!!

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Mr. Rakesh is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Castor the Trance Phase Stylist

ha ha nice one. Pure coincidence right now i'm listening to trance music
1> zhopudey

Mr. zhopudey is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Anubis the Fightmaster

2> Lord Zhopudey

Mr. Zhopudey is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Phreak the Demigod of the Hack

3> Rohan

Mr. Rohan is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Zyklon the Kernel God

4> Rohan Kulkarni

Mr. Kulkarni is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Sinis the Cyber Steak Maker

5> Mr. rohankulkarni is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Morpheus the Intern at the Office of the Architect
Mr. Yogesh is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Osiris the Trance Phase Stylist

Mr. Justinâ„¢ is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Troezen the Councilor of Digital Angst

Mr. Saiyan
is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Odysseus the Chief Scribe of the Oracle

Mr. DivyaPrasath
is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Bellero the Author of "Matrix 6.0 Unleashed"
Mr. Udit is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Troezen the Cyber Steak Maker


Mr. Agarwal is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Neptune the Double Agent Agent
Mr. sambhram is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Argo the Chief Scribe of the Oracle

Mr. killeraim is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Ra the Hackmeister

Post No.555

The True Centre of the Matrix!!!When Your mind is free,you can Die there.:P
Mr. joshi is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Achilles the 2nd One

Mr. Josh is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Net the Fightmeister
This is what i got.

Mr. Sehdev is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Theseus the Programmer of Viruses... Honest-to-goodness viruses, that make people sick... and bugs... small crawly ones.
Ms. Shipra is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Iambe the Kung-Fu Killer
Mr. himanshu is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Zen the Matrix Soldier
The program is faulty. For Thomas Anderson it gave
Mr. Anderson is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Crypt the Director of Central Tracking

While it should have given
Mr. Anderson is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Neo the Sixth Anomaly
Mr. Panja is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Pico the Director of Central Tracking

stay away guys :D mhuhuwahuahuahua.
btw i think these sites are build by INTERPOL a way to track numerous malicious names on internet an backtrace respective ips to fin a certain evience of any criminals if they exist.moreover they r funded by em.
btw nice fin bikeyyy repped. :D
Mr. Abraham is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Achilles the 3rd One
Mr. Ajay is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Styx the Anonymous Background Personality Program
Mr. Kumar is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Pico the Matrix Lute Player
Mr. Peravali is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Zeus the Kernel God
Mr. Nemesis is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Osiris the Intern at the Office of the Architect
Here's mine...

Ms. Ayushi is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Chimaera the 2nd Degree Evader of Sentinels
Entered as Mr. Siddharth Shah
Mr. Shah is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Poseidon the Ex-Boyfriend of Trinity:ohyeah: :hap2: :tongue:
Mr. SystemicAnamoly is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Queue the Hardware wizard

Mr. Annirudh is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Sipher the Mechrunner

my elvish name is "Tuor Seregon of Elves"

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