Linux FingerPrint Reader on Intrepid.

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Hey fellas..

As the thread title says...

Anybody tried and succeded in installing fingerprint reader on intrepid??

Anybody using Intrepid on their laptops with fp readers.. ??

Went thru THIS .. but not that helpfull and not proper so dint perform the steps..

... Any ideas?
there is this project called "fprint" check it out.... it used to barely work with my AuthenTec AES1610 fingerprint reader but they dropped support in recent release...
wtf?? :S so i cant get my FP reader on my studio 15 work with ubuntu? :S

..any work around for ThinkFinger ???
vishalrao said:
there is this project called "fprint" check it out.... it used to barely work with my AuthenTec AES1610 fingerprint reader but they dropped support in recent release...
Dark Star said:
I think only openSUSE has support for it ? :S
Yea, the guy from UF tried it and seems it doesnt work with Fprint as well.. mebbe i'll try giving it a try on my studio and see if its working Intrepid now.
vishalrao said:
Yea this thread seems to indicate the studio 15 might not be supported... [ubuntu] Fingerprint reader - Ubuntu Forums

Fedora 11 is supposed to have some sort of fingerprint support, but again if the device isnt supported...
What brand/model of fp reader is on that Dell? Thinkfinger's readme does mention Dell along with the usual Thinkpads and Toshibas, so there might be some hope after all.
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