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Hi all,
I completed my Rig this weekend except the monitor which i would be getting from DELL by this week. Following is my config :tongue:
Proc : AMD Phenom II X2 550BE
Mobo : Biostar TA790GXB A2+
Ram : Corsair Gaming Series 2x2 GB 800Mhz
HDD : Seagate 7200.11 500GB
Cabinet : CM Elite 335
PSU : CM Real Power 460W
UPS : APC 550va
Monitor : DELL 2209WA :P
GPU : Would get one by next month
Would try unlocking the core once the monitor arrives :)
Ram : Corsair Gaming Series 2x2 GB 800Mhz gaming series ??? :O

HDD : Seagate 7200.11 500GB not good. check if you can exchange with a 7200.12 instead

APC 550 or 650 ?
@Sabby: Burst speed on 7200.11 is better than 7200.12, but sequential read speed on 7200.12 is better than 7200.11. Though 7200.11 got doomed as some batches came with faulty firmware.
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