First BSOD after 5 months stable. Should i be worried?

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hey I'm running my i5 2500k at 4.2ghz at 1.192v. My motherboard is an Asus P8P67 pro. I have run all sorts of stress tests and Prime95 used to run for an hour or so without an issue when i did the initial testing for the OC. Never got a problem since 5 months till today when i got a BSOD while playing a simple game of DOTA. Also, AI suite 2 shows my CPU temperature at 28 degrees whereas real temp or hwmonitor shows the temperature at around 36 to 38 degrees.. the room temperature is around 25-30 degrees now owing to winter.. so which is a more accurate temp?
If it helps: I recently got a LOT of BSODs. The solution was as simple as reseating the RAM and the problem stopped.
No worries. If it goes to repetitive mode, let us know. I can analyze the minidumps. For now, do not worry. Mine BSODs nearly 2x-3x per month.

Yeah.. I read a bit and found out that users who updated to the 1850 or 2001 BIOS have been experiencing a temp difference of 10 degrees in AI Suite 2.
If, at all the BSOD's continue to be frequent... take apart your machine, clean the mobo, RAM's and assemble it back. That helps most of the time.
Clean your cabby if you haven't already done it in past 5 months. Also clean all the fans,grills and hsf's.
real temp shows temp which is more reliable than ai suite. Also getting a random BSOD in a game does not mean your OC is unstable, it might simply mean that there was a driver call error between the OS and the GPU driver. Moreover 4.2 ghz is a slight OC for 2500k and your chip is not going to degrade over time with that kind of OC. However if you want to get more stability try lowering your PLL voltage in the bios & at the same time try upping the I/O or VTT voltage in the bios. Afterwards do a quick stress test with prime95 custom blend by running custom ffts of 1344 & 1792 in one min intervals for 20 mins each. If you dont get a failed worker or BSOD, chances are you will be stable in the longer blend test.
Now I agree that TE is a hardware forum. ;) But why no one asked OP "Have you installed a new software in your system? which by any chance installs a kernel driver"??

It is very common for a buggy driver to give a BSOD. Typically it generates a dump file at c:\windwos\minidump, which can be opened in windbg (free downloadable), and it at least talk about the culprit driver which might have caused this trouble.
Gannu said:
Not a very good sign IMO. Probable indication that some component in your system is faulty or about to be.

Have checked the DIMMs, HDD, and GPU using Memtest, HDD Tune tools, and Furmark.

It is the OC. The board is on the 'wall' so deters at times. When I run at stock all is dandy.

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