First DA VINCI CODE Movie Review !

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IT HAS been at the centre of months of fevered anticipation, condemnation and worldwide debate.

But at last the veil of secrecy shrouding the movie based on author Dan Brown's best-seller The Da Vinci Code has been lifted.

The Mirror has been given an exclusive first look at the religious suspense thriller. And I can report that it Is destined to become a huge hit when it is released next week.

Although some special effects and Hans Zimmer's musical score had still to be added when I saw it, the movie races along at breakneck pace.

In the dramatic opening scenes, a terrified Louvre curator runs through the museum's dark galleries, pursued by a homicidal albino monk, Silas, chillingly played by Paul Bettany.

Director Ron Howard graphically depicts the curator's dying moments as, with bloodstained hands, he feebly struggles to leave the clues that draw Tom Hanks's character Robert Langdon into the murder mystery.

Hanks, with long hair swept back, ideally suits the role of the unsuspecting college lecturer drawn into a murderous conspiracy - while Bettany will give audiences nightmares as the limping, murderous monk.

He has some particularly grisly scenes in which, stripped naked and bleeding profusely from self-inflicted wounds, he viciously whips himself while wearing a pain-inducing barbed strap on his thigh, muttering: "I chastise my body."

ALTHOUGH the film closely follows Brown's storyline, Howard delivers something the book doesn't.

He goes back in time to show Brown's controversial theory that, for 2,000 years, the Catholic church has been covering up the fact that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and fathered a daughter, whose bloodline has survived into present-day Europe.

As well as scenes of the Inquisition and of women being tortured, burned and drowned, Howard shows Mary fleeing the Holy Land for France and giving birth there.

Action fans will revel in a hair-raising car chase in which Langdon's French cryptographer friend Sophie Neveu, fetchingly played by Audrey Tautou, careers her little Smart car backwards along the streets and pavements of Paris with the police, led by Jean Reno's Bezu Fache, in hot pursuit.

Surprisingly, Hanks is the only American in the large cast, which features Sir Ian McKellen in a strong supporting role as the manic Holy Grail historian Sir Leigh Teabing. In a gripping scene set at his mansion in the French countryside he reveals the secrets of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting The Last Supper.

Then he explains what he describes as "the greatest cover-up in human history" to an incredulous Sophie, while Langdon expounds on the meaning of certain historical and religious symbols.

But his lecture is cut short in a stunning and unexpected fashion.

The trio, taking with them a bound Silas, travel by private plane to London, where more clues add to the mystery and Silas stages a final assassination involving Bishop Aringarosa, strongly played by Alfred Molina.

Set mainly at night, the film has a sinister look which adds to the brooding atmosphere of suspense and conspiracy.

The film-makers were refused permission to shoot in Westminster Abbey because the novel was deemed "theologically unsound" by Abbey officials.

But Lincoln and Winchester cathedrals co-operated, as did the Temple Church in London and Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.

FRANCE'S President Jacques Chirac gave his personal stamp of approval to the Louvre being used as a location.

But the Mona Lisa, which plays a key role in the story's opening, was ruled off-limits and a replica had to be used. With the film due to have its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, the controversy surrounding the story continues to grow.

A Papal official, Archbishop Angelo Amato, last week denounced the book as "stridently anti-Christian" and called for a boycott of the film.

The Catholic organisation Opus Dei and the Catholic League have also protested and unsuccessfully petitioned for changes to the movie. Even an albino rights group has added its voice to the clamour.

But Sony Pictures and Howard have resisted all attempts to change the plot or to screen a disclaimer over the credits, and rightly so.

As it is, the film stands as a superb thriller which cleverly blends action and intrigue with some thought-provoking theories.

If anything, Howard has improved on the book by some judicious pruning and by going back into history to depict scenes that the novel referred to only briefly.

There is no mystery about The Da Vinci Code's future at the box office. It will be a massive hit.:hap2:

The Da Vinci Code is released on May 19.

Source :
Thats interesting, but dood, should know by now that posting about pirated stuff is wrong!
Yeah But I did'nt Post any Links ! I just said that its available thats all !
Do U Think that there will be any protests against this film in INDIA ? Coz I Really Really wanna see this movie on Big Screen !
anyone knows the exact date when the movie will hit in india???

i dont know if u people know bout this..

but yesterday at 8pm some heavy criticism was going about the Da Vinci Code and holy path... these are 2 forms of books emerged from 1 source (which is claimed as fake as told in discovery channel) according to me Sach bahut kadva hota hai ;) and these people are for the very reason hiding yet another truth as they fear people will loose faith in cristianity

secondly the catholics are protesting against this movie so i wonder whether it will truly be a hit?

neways no offense to the cristians present here as it aint their fault but the fault of the person who betrayed Jesus ages ago as it is claimed everything started from there.....
This Friday , i.e May 19 ! I dont Know why the Hell r they making so much Fuss , Its just a Fictional Movie Thats all ! And Well if the Movie is not a Hit in INDIA where the Christians r Minority , then imagine what will happen in US , UK , FRANCE , they r all christian countries ! The Difference is that those people r not emotional fools and they Dont care unlike INDIA !So Yes Movie will be a Big Hit all over the world ! Remember How the Novel sold all over the world and also in INDIA !!!
SOme catholics have warned on going to a hunger strike. Duh. Can't these guys following Abrahamic religions take something which is clearly classified as a work of fiction. Did hindus go on issuing fatwas or death threats or break cinemas when "The GUru" was released
Yeah and u Know what amazes me the most , they never said a word when the Novel was released in INDIA and now when the movie is being released they suddenly find it to be anti-christian ! They just want some attention thats all !
Da vinci code actually is based on a theory written by henry lincoln in his book Holy Blood and the Holy Grail which in turn was based on a relatively unknown book/transcript "la tresor maudit"(the accursed treasure) he found at a bookshop in france. The whole thing is centred around a small village in france, Rennes La chateau and its priest who became rich overnight.The book literally changed everything that the world perceived about the holy grail, the knights of the templar, the intelligence possessed by people in the old times. The book had a message ciphered in it and there were basically clues left all around the place, the transcripts, the paintings, hell even the geography of the place ! However starting off with a off-beat theory which said how Mary Magadelena was the wife of jesus and how she was actually the holy grail and the merovingian kings might actually be blood descendants of Jesus, the priory of sion(a secret society), the theory kept evolving to bigger proportions as to how our ancestors had intelligence we never thought they had ! Try renting/watching all documentarys related to this subject. Very interesting imho.
its priory of Sion and not zion and the author also cleared it, the name aint based on crusaders but there was a mountain close by with the same name

The Priory of Sion was a club founded in 1956 by four young Frenchmen. Two of its members were André Bonhomme (who was president of the club when it was founded) and Pierre Plantard (who previously had been sentenced to six months in prison for fraud and embezzlement).

The group's name is based on a local mountain in France (Col du Mont Sion), not Mount Zion in Jerusalem. It has no connection with the Crusaders, the Templars, or previous movements incorporating "Sion" into their names.
Infact Yesterday at 8pm on discovery there was this awesome serial on da vinci code ! I wonder how many people saw it ! It was very Interesting !
@sys: I stand corrected :P Though it was a big boo-boo on my part. However the lame theories aside, the whole theory which shows major evidence of how superior our ancestors were in knowledge etc is clearly fascinating.
Have u also Read angels and Demons ? equally amazing ! Infact better then da vinci code imho !

Was Priory of sion Real ? did this secret society ever existed or does it exists even today ? According to the book even Da Vinci was said to be a member of The Priory of sion which was protecting the Holy Grail ! But Then what Happened to the Holy Grail ? Langdon did'nt find it in the Novel ! did he ?
i watched only for an hour from 8pm-9pm then i had to go out for lil work after i came dad had changed the channel >.< and i continued with CSS lol
Lol :P , Read the First page of Da Vinci code ! It says certain Things in the book are Factual ! well ofcourse the main plot involving langdon , silas etc is fiction but Brown claims that the sub-plot aka Holy Grail is Factual ! And I believe it !
Holy Blood, Holy Grail is simply a hypothesis presented by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, and supported by all the evidence they found while doing their research. Whether you accept it as truth is left up to you. But at the very least, it does present a highly likely possibility. I tend to believe most of the theories presented in the book. :D

Withoutany disrespect to any catholics here, I really like a line in DVC; " The bible did not arrive by fax from heaven".
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