First DA VINCI CODE Movie Review !

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the whole book was mindblowing..... Angels and Demons i.e.... the end was simply pathetic.... I would say it has the worst climax ever in any book I read.....
Nikhil said:
the whole book was mindblowing..... Angels and Demons i.e.... the end was simply pathetic.... I would say it has the worst climax ever in any book I read.....
I found A&D's climax better than The Da Vinci Code. Overall Angels and Demonds is a better book. Deception point is also a good book. I am yet to read Digital Fortress.
Nikhil said:
the whole book was mindblowing..... Angels and Demons i.e.... the end was simply pathetic.... I would say it has the worst climax ever in any book I read.....
rotflol, so true. A&D ending was a big fat lol.
A great story otherwise.
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