Flash mob at CST railway station

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techno_guy said:
Imo it was a stupid thing. A girl suddenly starts dancing and people sart joining her. Crowd gathers (just like the gather to watch fight) and people want to take pictures and videos. What the hell is this ?

Actually its mob mentality to gather watch foolish things like this one

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Ours is a ****ed up-corrupted-stone age-racist-cheap-dog race country. Why not have a moment of joy?

If this was some European country, you would have said, Oh cool and shared this link a million times. Why? Third world-brown-Indians cant do cool stuff?

It was just brilliant and fun. I cant even imagine being in the shoes of that first girl. :D :D
They should perform this in rural areas where people hardly have anything to entertain themselves after a days hard work in fields and in scorching heat. In a metro politan city like Mumbai, we people can find anything to relax after office hours. Only thing they achieve by doing such mob performances in a metro politcan city is FAME coz Media comes rushing to catch such things. Whatever but I feel they should visit rural areas for such performances. Only then will they be doing something worth. Else No.
m-jeri said:
Ours is a ****ed up-corrupted-stone age-racist-cheap-dog race country. Why not have a moment of joy?

If this was some European country, you would have said, Oh cool and shared this link a million times. Why? Third world-brown-Indians cant do cool stuff?

It was just brilliant and fun. I cant even imagine being in the shoes of that first girl. :D :D

i woudn't have liked it if it was done somewhere else in some other country

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chiragsthakur said:
They should perform this in rural areas where people hardly have anything to entertain themselves after a days hard work in fields and in scorching heat. In a metro politan city like Mumbai, we people can find anything to relax after office hours. Only thing they achieve by doing such mob performances in a metro politcan city is FAME coz Media comes rushing to catch such things. Whatever but I feel they should visit rural areas for such performances. Only then will they be doing something worth. Else No.

Exactly my point it was just for publicity. Everything was pre planned

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and just imagine what would have happened if there would have been a bomb scare like someone mentioned , or if similar idea is used by terrorists to gather crown and then bomb them
And I don't see how dancing in public gives tribute to the dead. Would have been more happy if that Shonan girl used the same money & resource & started some Major Sandeep / 26-11 Trust or something OR by meeting all the families of Police force who lost someone. Mumbai Police played a vital role & imagine how the families would have responded when 60+ people came to them for tribute. They would have felt proud.

But, again, if she had done that, then I wouldn't have known her by media.

FYI, it was not first in India. Afaik first such attempt was by Failtel :

What's wrong? Let's forget everything, enjoy just 5 little minutes off our busy life.

IMHO, Flash mobs always planned, it's not easy to come together in amount of 100s and dance well. They need a rehearsal. Before performing, the mob need to take permission of the management of a place, where they're going to perform. Remember, in CST Flash Mob, they've used announcement speaker for playing music. They had taken permission of the management.

No matter what were the after effects, I could see smile on faces citizens of Mumbai after watching the performance.

Reality is, We just talk and pull legs :(
And how exactly does this retarded dancing help achieve anything?? :S

Is that the best we can do for a tribute... :@
I was wondering why was Delhi left behind, but finally found one for Del as well :)

umm...if the idea is to spread a smile..there are a million more subtle ways to do it rather than grabbing lime-light and attention to yourself in this fashion.
if the idea is to pay tribute.. cant understand how this revelry is a tribute to dead people.
if the idea is to show that the city is not scared, its but obvious that u cant shut down a city of 10 million plus people just like that..bombs/shootings whatever..its a practical condition of life that people will get up next day and go about their daily chores.

I am not against a flash mob but please don't attach noble motives to it, you wanted to do it, you did it, some people liked it..that's about it..end of story.
A quote from comments in one of the links provided-
One_Of_The_Performers said:
The flash mob had nothing to do with 26/11 or anything else what-so-ever. It was a simple matter of spreading happiness and maybe making Mumbai a few notches happier for a little bit

But again, it could've been done in a lot more sensible way. But, as if it has become today's fashion "Jab tak duniya na dekhe/sune, tab tak rone ka bhi nahi fayda" :facepalm:
I guess the the reason should had been to bring smile on face which one have forgotten rather than giving reasons to show solidatry to 26/11 or the city can dance at such place etc etc.
Great effort... Takes a lot of effort to do something like that... doesn't matter with opinions as we have too many people for everyone to have a single opinion anyway... Villages, poor arguments are all moot :P when you meet people like this who have the zeal to do these things almost 80% of them work for NGOs and help the community... But as I said all negative arguments are moot for me as everyone would have a different opinion :P

DSLRs are really improving the video quality these days.... No more need to carry around expensive and heavy video cams... :)
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