[Flipkart] Can I request the seller to delay shipping ?

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I would like to buy running shoes (edit) from Flipkart. But, there will be no one at my place to accept it on the mentioned delivery date or even three days after that.

Is there a way to contact the seller and ask them to postpone shipping ?

Getting it for a good price now, btw.
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Is dropping it off to a neighbor or security guard an option?

Which website is this?
Which website is this?
Flipkart in the title.
there will be no one at my place to accept it on the mentioned delivery date or even three days after that.
Easy. Inform about this delivery schedule to somebody you trust who is preferably close to where you live. When the delivery guy arrives and eventually calls you, inform him that somebody else will be receiving it in your behalf.

Send the OTP over to whoever you had contacted to receive the item and request them to pick it up from your doorstep.
Doesn’t work, flipkart is too big to make such accommodations. The customer support will tell you to ask a neighbor or guard to collect it on your behalf.
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Looks like there is a option to change dates. But : Dates are subject to confirmation from delivery partners
From the Orders page -> select the order -> Change Date.
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