Want suggestions for a Microwave and a Water purifier
- For microwave budget is 6k (don't Want to spend that much if Its not worth it)
no idea about grill/convection
will be bought from HS18 Because of the coupons
please suggest one from here -]/sort:dsc/prc:[1760+TO+7097]/start:0/
- for water purifier (like aquaguard),no Idea What to Buy
Want to buy the cheapest among the best
Appreciate the help
- For microwave budget is 6k (don't Want to spend that much if Its not worth it)
no idea about grill/convection
will be bought from HS18 Because of the coupons
please suggest one from here -]/sort:dsc/prc:[1760+TO+7097]/start:0/
- for water purifier (like aquaguard),no Idea What to Buy
Want to buy the cheapest among the best
Appreciate the help