Car & Bike Force India Formula One Team announces its driver line up for the 2008 season

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atleast the back of the grid is taken care of... lol ;)

well jokes aside.. i hope VM has the muscle to develop an actual racing team and get some performance from the cars developing them through the season. Owning an F1 team is the easy part... getting the cars through the season and be counted is another story altogether.
On the positive note, its good that they have got a driver like Fisichella for their first season. Hope he can perform well.
^lolz, maybe they will then enter red bull air race with the 1 lac plane

back to the topic, i guess fisi is the best choice for the senior member,

No nerve, no commitment, and not a little whiny himself. Plus he's not the best collaborator with mechanics. His feedback is all over the place. None of the top teams will ever take him. Renault was his shot at glory, and failed miserably in both years that Alonso took the crown. We knew who the crybaby was then.

We'll have to see how the season pans out. I would rather have Liuzzi in the seat, at least that kid has fire.

My take is Liuzzi will be in the seat before Singapore, unless Fisi comes back to the ball-busting form which he had before he joined Renault. At Jordan he was the quintessential Italian: Fiery, loud and brash, and looked capable of winning the championship if he got the right equipment.

In 2004 Flavio said both his drivers could take on Michael, and he was right about one of them. After four seasons in Renault, I'm not sure what Fisi has to show for it.

All the above is IMO, so keep your distance if you're flaming...
mach9 said:
atleast the back of the grid is taken care of... lol ;)

well jokes aside.. i hope VM has the muscle to develop an actual racing team and get some performance from the cars developing them through the season. Owning an F1 team is the easy part... getting the cars through the season and be counted is another story altogether.

Once he discovers the hottest babes go to the top of the grid teams, rest assured Ferrari and the likes will have a tough time catching up :rofl:
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