Car & Bike Ford Fiesta or Honda City?

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How much are you planning to spend at max? NHC is seriously overpriced for what it offers. At around 8 lacs, I'd take the Fiesta 1.6. At 10lacs, I'd take what I drive... A Mitsu Cedia. If you love driving, trust me nothing below a BMW 325i comes remotely close in driving pleasure.

People who call an NHC a driver's car deserve to be shot. The verna just has one bomb of an engine and little else. It handles like a boat.
At 10lacs, I'd take what I drive... A Mitsu Cedia. If you love driving, trust me nothing below a BMW

^yea... gives all the performance that you need to drag those revas and autos you tell me about right ?
Chaos said:
^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:. Its better than ur polio :P.

i heard mitsu doesnt have all that good brakes either.. nearly rear ended a palio under braking :(
Chaos said:
How much are you planning to spend at max? NHC is seriously overpriced for what it offers. At around 8 lacs, I'd take the Fiesta 1.6.
People who call an NHC a driver's car deserve to be shot. The verna just has one bomb of an engine and little else. It handles like a boat.
I agree to the above. :)
NHC is a very comfy vehicle but way too over priced imho. :(
But Indians and their Honda fascination- every third car we spoted while roaming around in Bandra some days back was a Civic. :O
BTW, a friend was looking at buying a Verna or the Fiesta (diesels both of them) but went for the Fiesta in the end inspite of its appalling acceleration in higher gears and top end (according to him) as it was for his family (FE was a bonus).
The Verna didn'thave airbags he said iirc, (or was it just driver only airbag) a 10L car without airbags. :S
Lots of teeeny weeny bits and pieces that add up to become a big n0-no for the Verna. :(

BTW,the guy knows a bit about boats due to his line of work and said that the Verna seemed like a missile on its last flight and boats handled better than the Verna. :ashamed:
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