Foreign Language Films---Discussion Thread

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As the thread suggests this thread would serve as platform for fans of foreign language films.Discuss any foreign movie you have seen and want people to do the same.Please post the following details while recommending a picture.

1.ORIGINAL name of the picture

2.Language of the picture

3.Year of release

4.A short review

5.An link.This would make the thread more accessible to newbies.

6.Refrain from spoilers.

Lastly,English does count as a foreign language but I request you to refrain from posting anything on Hollywood blockbusters.As that would neutralize the soul purpose of this thread.

To start off:

-Lilya 4-Ever (2002)

-Mostly Russian.

-Excellent film on human trafficking.Will surely leave a lump in your throat.A big one that is.I still haven't got over it.Watch it only if you're up for it as this one the most emotionally draining films I've come across.

The best part,the track 'Mein Herz Brennt' by Rammstein in the prologue and the monologue is certain to haunt you for many days to come.

Lilya 4-Ever (2002) - IMDb

Your turn!
Nice idea... let me also contribute with some of the foreign movies I had shared in other thread.

Also, please note that although most of these movies have IMDb links, there are quite a few that I've seen doesn't have IMDb pages. Secondly, IMDb ratings are not really correct ratings for most of the Asian movies, specially the lesser known ones. It's bit of a cultural background and know-how stuff.

Princess Aurora (2005) - 7/10


Not a perfect movie, but it delivers. It starts with slight hint of serial killing movie, but as the story unfolds it reveals a different shade, of main characters, of the plot, of the events... and even though it gets predictable at some points, it does manage to catch you with few surprises. All in all, another good delivery from Korean cinema.

Princess Aurora (2005) - IMDb

The Yellow Sea (2010) - 8.5/10


As second movie from the same guy who made bone-chilling thriller "The Chaser", it's hard not to have expectations. As for me, the movie delivered as per my expectations and I would say that it's unfair to do comparison with "The Chaser". The movie is slightly long and the start may seem bit slow, but if you keep your patience you'll be rewarded well. Another gem from brilliant director/writer Hong-Jin Na.

The Yellow Sea (2010) - IMDb

Haunters (2010) - 7.5/10


Imagine you have a power to control people, taking over their minds and get them to do whatever you want. Except, you come across one man... who is immune to your power, who you can't control. Who is hell-bent on stopping you. Welcome to haunters. Besides a slightly predictable & slightly over-the-top ending and bit of a, slightly weird/unnecessary follow-through, a good movie with some great acting.

Haunters (2010) - IMDb

Running on Karma (2003) - 6.5/10


A decent one-time watch flick with some good bits by Andy Lau-Tak. The story has some good moments and some vague concepts thrown without explaining much. The end is good, logical but unfortunately not so well executed. Instead of untangling the story, the end may come as confusing to some viewers. Well worth a one-time watch.

Running on Karma (2003) - IMDb

A Dirty Carnival (2006) - 8/10


A gangster movie with touch of life. Unlike most of the gangster flicks, "A Dirty Carnival" takes a different approach. There's grit, but subtle. There's tragedy, but not overdone. There's action, but not over the top. "A Dirty Carnival" is, exactly as the name suggests. Director/Writer Hu Ya has treated the subject so well that it balances the movie perfectly in different genres. Definitely a good watch.

A Dirty Carnival (2006) - IMDb

Rough Cut (2008) - 8.5/10


A very well made movie with some really powerful & intense scenes, specially in the second half. Two unlikely characters, a quiet, mysterious & movie-buff gangster crosses path with a rowdy, short-tempter & egoistic actor. The tension between the two leads them to work together in a movie and what takes place is a powerful drama. In the end, both learn a thing or two from each other, but with a price to match.

Rough Cut (2008) - IMDb

That's it for now... although, I've seen quite a few movies after these. So will be compiling the list of those soon along with my views/ratings. :D
No Man's Land - 9/10


Its pretty obvious why this one won the Oscar beating Lagaan

Run Lola Run - 8.5-10


Seriously fast paced, almost video-game like but an amazing concept
lol I remember people being all disappointed and almost on the verge of accusing racism when Lagaan lost; No Man's Land was not just the clear winner for that year but better than quite a few of the winners in the years after that.
chiron said:
lol I remember people being all disappointed and almost on the verge of accusing racism when Lagaan lost; No Man's Land was not just the clear winner for that year but better than quite a few of the winners in the years after that.

I totally agree. I would've loved if Lagaan had won, but it was sheer bad luck that No Man's Land land came out that year.
IMO,No Man's Land won because it was a better film.Simple as that.Shoot me for treason if you like to.:P
Today's recommendation:

The Vengeance Trilogy(2002-2005)


Park Chan-wook is considered one the best directors of our times and this is exactly the reason why.These are a set of terrific psychological thrillers that will make you cringe in your seats.They will change the way you think about human psyche.My favourite among the three is 'Oldboy'.Enough said.Do yourself a favour and watch 'em now!
Today's recco:

Stalingrad (1993)


This picture is a gritty take on the 'bloodiest war' the world has ever known-Battle of Stalingrad.Watch it for its unpretentious performances and the fact that it invokes sympathy for the Germans.Not many films can do that.Can they?

Stalingrad (1993) - IMDb
^-- Love that movie. It's just so goddam unpredictable. One of the best Korean movie I have seen. Also, this thread is right now overloaded with Korean movies, so.... lets see some non Korean movies for a few posts

La Haine (The Hate), French - La Haine is a film that follows three Paris Ghetto teenagers, a muslim, a jew and a black guy. Yes, this sounds like a set up for a bad rasict bar joke, but its actually a brilliant examination of class divides and ghetto culture.
Today's Recommendation:

Talaye Sorkh/Crimson Gold (2003)


To me this Jafar Panahi's best work till date.It exposes the Class divide that still exists in the Iranian society.The attention to detail will leave you stunned and so will the brilliant casting.Watch it, for its a lesson in innovative film making.
I Saw the Devil .. (KOREAN)

Gruesome, Dark , Gore .. Psychological Revenge Thriller. (Typical wouldn't be appropriate word here)

Great job , amazing acting .. very few dialogues but every scene is equally intense.

You'll appreciate (wont say enjoy) this movie a lot .. especially the deeper emotional trauma it shows.

18+ obviously. Not for the squeamish.
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