Yes, 100 GB now.
In Hyderabad, They can always Upgrade the plan at any point of time. However, Downgrade is possible at the end of the month only & you have to continue with the same plan at least for 30 days.They have this shitty thing of not changing the plan middle of the month which was not the case before. I need to wait a whole month to get my current plan changed
Clearly you have not been seeing my posts in various other forumsI'm hearing a lot of faulty FUP calculation these days except in Hyderabad. Whadup?
Something is screwed up in their system. Speedtest always shows correct speed and even popular torrent which are probably cached download at proper speed. But Youtube videos (not the popular/desi ones) suffers buffering and many sites do lag as well. Really hoping for some competition in Bangalore. How can be the IT hub of India behind on Internet speed and plans ?
We have another connection at my place which is technically my brothers even he is complaining of Inflated usage.Clearly you have not been seeing my posts in various other forumsbtw act tells me I've used 109GB in this month (8 days). I've only downloaded one game of 20GB. Thats it. My PC data usage shows 24GB whereas act usage shows 109GB -_-[DOUBLEPOST=1454925278][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT: No youtube problems at my end(hyderabad) But fake data usage concerns remains
Guys, once again the ACT website had logged more than 10GB of usage in a matter of few hours. I did consume 3.2GB during that hour, and my laptop indicated that I had used almost 4GB. So I immediately mailed them and they did send me the detailed usage. But here's the fishy part: None of the mentioned IP address matches with mine or any device connected to my router or even the external IP. What do I do now?
Hmm ... I'll do that! Wait you mean my ACT account password right?