Free CD/DVD Home shipping

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10,000 books free DVD:
Well, I know this for quite some time and most of you will be aware of it.. Yet this is for all newbies and those who don't know..
Get a free DVD/CD delivered to your home (devoid of postal charges) containing more than 10,000 eBooks.. It has everything.. From Arabian Nights to Robert Louis Stevenson..
Fill in the form here:
And you are done! Within 2-3 weeks, the DVD/CD will reach you.. THIS IS LEGAL..
UBUNTU Linux free CDs:
Get yourself as many LINUX (Ubuntu) CDs you want for free. Keep some for yourself, distribute among your friends.
funkymonkey said:
i filed the linux and ebook request 3 months earlier. Still nothing has reached me..

Well i got ubuntu cds after 4 months time. Also they are updating their versions so it may take little longer before u can expect ur copy
funkymonkey said:
i filed the linux and ebook request 3 months earlier. Still nothing has reached me..
though i got them, they asked me to pay 500 bux customs for it, i told, STFU and they sent the packet back, atleast thats what they told me, LOL..
Thx for info bro..Have orderd Ebooks..lets see what happnes..coz I had orderd Free Adobe traning CD 3 months back...but havnt got any News about it yet .....
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