Free ebay Tee on first purchase [ no minimum purchase required ]

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@neha, create another account.
Yahoo i created another account (total 4:P), got a TEE for Re. 1/- :yahoo:

@veer_singh, when should we expect it?
Ordered the Yebhi coupon for Re 1, and the coupon worked. (Size L)

Let's see whether they'll send it. ;)
I got 2 till now... :yahoo:

Now, unless they decide not to send the T Shirts, this will be the second cheapest online deal after the Dhoni Book one... :lol:
^that right, i think mods should rename this thread as TEE for Re.1/-*

*terms and conditions apply
why do u want a company's tee even if its free ... i got a bunch lying around for diff. companies

u will be basically doing free publicity for ebay if u wear it :P
^yes thats right, its not that i don't have any TEE, the thing is that its free, even if i will not wear it i will keep it because its free :P
who cares if they get free publicity , donate it to poor after receiving , I made this thread because the members of TE always buy stuff at ebay , so they can also get benefited :)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

The 2rs listing has been removed , I think someone reported it to ebay ...... :(
if the listing doesn't allow you to pay then how you are going to complete the transaction ...........

it can be done only if the pincode of local city matches the shipping address pincode..........
arre yaar... change ur default shipping address to the sellers location on the net for seller's city pincode and put in some random address as ur default shipping address ...

then go and buy ...
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