Friends S02 and SEINFELD in HD - How do they convert these to HD?

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A Nobody.
Hi all...

I know FRIENDS S01 was released in HD a few weeks back.

Now seeing S02 in HD. and ENTIRE SEINFELD in 480p goodness. Are all these HD ready when shot?

And its not some bad stuff either. The friends video is simply marvelous. Only seen the seinfeld caps.

Does this mean there are blu rays out for these show?. A friend of mine from UK said so.
But cant find any online source.

How did they do this?. 35mm remastering?

Soo excited.
Seinfeld is out in 720p also. screen caps look very good.

But arent these shot before the advent of HD? or was HD always around?
Its not like that. When a single frame of 35mm frame is scanned it yields an image which surpasses 1920X1080(Full HD) its around 4K2K (4000X2000).So any movie no matter from which year shot on 35mm film can be scanned and outputed to HD resolution.So thats the funda.Slowly they are scanning and converting old movies to HD. :) Now not all the movies scanned will look glorious as the visual quality will also depend on the quality of lenses used during the filming,the quality of the roll of film overtime due to aging and the like, but its pretty nice.
m-jeri said:
But arent these shot before the advent of HD? or was HD always around?
Its like Digital vs Film cameras. With digital camera you can only take a print as large as the pixel size allows. With a film camera you can increase the distance between the photo paper and the negative to increase the print size without losing clarity. That is how you are able to project movies in a movie hall without losing quality. The shows and movies are shot on film cameras.

So you can do a conversion again from a film to a digital format and choose your resolution and compression as needed. Earlier DVD were not there so they had to make do with a 700MB disk. Then came BluRay so the storage size furthered increased.
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